
[实用信息] 请妥善使用你的Social Insurance Number

请妥善使用你的Social Insurance Number

近来在银行的工作当中,发现有不少人对自己的SIN card认识很不深,不知道如何使用,如何保管。我在网上作了个资料收集,希望大家看了以后能有所帮助。

1。 我的SIN卡能做ID使用吗?



  • proving your identity (except for specific government programs)
  • completing a job application before you get the job
  • completing an application to rent a property
  • negotiating a lease with a landlord
  • completing credit card application
  • cashing a cheque
  • applying for a video club membership
  • completing some banking transactions (mortgage, line of credit, loan)
  • completing a medical questionnaire
  • renting a car
  • subscribing to long-distance or cellular telephone services
  • writing a will
  • applying to a university or college.


〉及时通知Service Canada,如果你的姓名,地址,或SIN卡上的任何信息有错误,又或者是你的家人去世。
〉及时通知Service Canada, 如果你的SIN卡丢失,或你怀疑你的SIN已经被人非法使用。


  • Don’t carry your SIN card with you unless you know you will have to show it that day, for example, when starting a new job. Store your card safely, for example, in a secure file cabinet at home or in a safety deposit box.
  • Never use your SIN card as a piece of identification. Doing so puts your SIN and personal information at risk.
  • Don’t provide your SIN over the phone unless you make the call and you know with whom you are dealing.
  • Never reply to e-mails that request personal information such as your SIN.
  • Protect your personal information and your SIN. For example:
    • shred all paper records containing personal information once you no longer need them
    • use confidential passwords that contain a combination of upper and lower case characters, numbers and symbols
    • never use automatic login features that save user names and passwords on your computer
    • use a personal firewall and anti-virus software on your computer system.


  • Report the loss or theft of your SIN card to the police. Ask for the case reference number, and the officer’s name telephone number.
  • Carefully review your bank account, credit card and other financial transaction statements. If anything concerns you, contact your financial institution.
  • Monitor your mail for any disruption in delivery.
  • Call Canada’s two national credit bureaus. Ask for a free copy of your credit report and review it for any suspicious activity. You may also wish to see if your credit file should be flagged to indicate that your personal information has been put at risk and may be vulnerable to fraud. Contact information:
    Toll-Free Numbers
    • Equifax: 1 800 465-7166
    • TransUnion: 1 866 525-0262 (for residents of Quebec: 1 877 713-3393)
    From outside Canada (8:30am to 5:00pm EST) - Long distance charges apply
    • Equifax: 1 514 493-2314
    • TransUnion: 1 905 525-0262 (for residents of Quebec: 1 514 335-0374)


A found SIN card should be returned immediately to a Service Canada Centre or mailed to the Social Insurance Number Program at the following address:

Service Canada
Social Insurance Registration Office
P.O. Box 7000
Bathurst, New Brunswick E2A 4T1


Social Insurance Numbers (SINs) that begin with a "9" are issued to temporary workers who are neither Canadian citizens nor permanent residents. These SINs are temporary and valid only until the expiry date printed on the front of the card.
If you are a holder of a SIN card that begins with a "9", it is important that you renew your SIN card to ensure that the expiry date always corresponds with the expiry date on your document from Citizenship and Immigration Canada authorizing you to work in Canada.
If you are an employer, learn more about your responsibilities related to your employees' SINs.

source from : http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca

Lina Feng 冯莉娜
Financial Services Manager
Bank of Montreal Safeway Instore
1950 Foul Bay Road
Victoria, BC, V8R5A7


well done


ding ,thank you

