CIK’s 30 Day Warranty Policy
CIK provides a standard 30 day warranty policy for all monthly subscription customers. For whatever reason, service can canceled within 30 days from the service activation date. The purchased hardware will be fully refunded (If returned within 7 days from the cancellation request in the original package). Any one-time charge such as a processing fee, activation fee, installation fee, shipping fee, or a Bell/Rogers DMC charge are non-refundable and will be charged at full amount. Fixed monthly service fee will be waived and variable charges such as long distance, usage charge or Pay Per View charge will be charged based on usage at normal rate. This policy only applies to new customers who install CIK service at the first time or old customers who install the same service at a different address. It doesn't apply to a service reactivation in the same address or a DSL/Cable Conversion.