在三月期间有在 Quadra st. 上的Fairway Market 里面的Deli买过食物的客人!!!
Deli section有发现一员工带有甲肝病毒(Hepatitis A)!!!
可以去Victoria Health Unit, 1947 Cook Street (corner of Cook and Pembroke)
1.黄疸前期起病急,有畏寒、发热、全身乏力、食欲不振、厌油、恶心、呕吐、腹痛、肝区痛、腹泻、鸟色逐渐加深,至本期末程浓茶状。少数病例以发热、头痛、上呼吸道症状等为主要表现。本期持续1-21日,平均5-7日。 2.黄疸期自觉症状可有所好转,发热减退,但尿色继续加深,巩膜、皮肤出现黄染,约于2周内达高峰。可有大便颜色变浅、皮肤骚痒、心动过缓等梗阻性黄疸表现。肝肿大至肋下1-3cm,有充实感,有压痛及叩击痛。部分病例有轻度脾肿大。本期持续2-6周。
Quadra Fairway Market Employee Tests Positive for Hepatitis A
Posted on
March 31, 2012 by
alee by
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A warning tonight for anyone who has purchased non pre-packaged deli products from Fairway Market on Quadra Street in Victoria recently.
Vancouver Island Health Authority has confirmed that a food handler at the grocery store’s deli tested positive for Hepitis A. It means there is a small risk that individuals who consumed food from the deli between March 7th and 15th may have been exposed to the virus.
VIHA is also recommending that anyone who has non pre-packaged food from the deli purhased on March 18, 19, 20, 22, 25 or 26 receive a Hepatitis vaccine as a precaution.
The alert only applies to the deli at the Quadra location.
Anyone with non pre-packaged deli items from the mentioned dates should dispose of them immediately.
Hepatitis A is a virus that affects the liver. The virus is found in the bowel movements of infected people and can spread through close personal contact or contaminated food by an infected person
Drop-in immunization clinics for Fairway Markets Quadra location employees and eligible members of the public will take place today (Saturday March 31) and Sunday April 1, 2012 at the Victoria Health Unit, 1947 Cook Street (corner of Cook and Pembroke) from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m