
[实用信息] 有孩子的家庭妇女互助团

Parksville 儿童节活动

各位爸爸妈妈,Parkisville 有儿童节活动,是孩子们一起玩的好机会。http://www.kidfest.ca/

Who Are We?

Where you can find Us!

The Entertainment


Community Booths



Contact Us


[url="]Where are You From? [/url]

[/url][url="]If you have photos to share with us from KidFest 2009 - please share them here:[/url]

KidFest - 10am-3pm - Sunday, August 22nd, 2010

Our 18th annual KidFest is sure to be a huge hit!
A child can come to Kidfest, have their face painted, hair sprayed, be tattooed, play games, create crafts, learn about nature and be entertained by a host of main stage entertainers - all for free.
What more could bring about a smile on the faces of hundreds of children in one day??
We look forward to seeing you having fun in the sun at KidFest 2010 - Sunday August 22, 2010!

  To see what we do - click here to see past photos:

KidFest is looking for Committe Volunteers to help make this event a roaring success for the kids who come down and take part in the events year after year.
If you have a few hours to spare and would like to make a fun day even more fun for the kids of Parksville and the surrounding area please contact us for more details. A day to remember can't be complete without the support of our community!

PDATE:   KidFest 2009 was an outstanding success!
A huge thank you to all the volunteers,

community booths, sponsors, entertainers and

visiting public who made KidFest 2009 a safe,
fantastic day of fun for hundreds.

Site Design: Sharp Wit Designs

