
[求助信息] 院子里的割草送哪里

Oak Bay的绿桶里只能放厨房剩食和屋里植物,不能放院子里的草木(Kitchen waste
does not include:yard and garden waste), 院子草木可送:1771 Elgin Road,而且只限Oak Bay区居民(要按驾照领个居民牌)。 还是Saanich的政策好,绿桶里可放院子里的碎草木,送草木的地方也不查是哪儿的居民。 其实如果草不太高,割下来的草末完全可以都留在草地里(我们自己一直这样做),会变成肥料养地的。

”Oak Bay residents may also take excess garbage, recyclables and garden refuse to the Public Works Yard on 1771 Elgin Road, Monday to Friday, from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm and Saturday from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm, excluding holidays.  This additional service is free of charge.

To use the Drop Off Depot, residents must display a Resident Sticker on their vehicle . These stickers are available at the Public Works Yard.  Vehicle insurance papers are required as proof of residency.“

