
[求助信息] MSP Coverage


- 18岁以上的视力检查,眼镜
- 牙医
- 按摩,理疗,针灸,自然疗法 (少数低收入家庭除外**
- 住院单人房间
- (无原因)体检
- 药费(但中低收入家庭医生处方年药费超标后有报销)
- 流感,旅游疫苗

** 见楼下,谢指教。


人在外省出差上学可用本省医卡看病。去加国外玩儿最好要买旅游医险,因本省包的会很少。  当然在工作有单位医保的,MSP不包含的一般都会包在单位医保里了,包括医生处方药。



Services Not Covered by MSP MSP does not provide coverage for the following:
  • services that are deemed to be not medically required, such as cosmetic surgery;
  • dental services, except as outlined under benefits;
  • routine eye examinations for persons 19 to 64 years of age;
  • eyeglasses, hearing aids, and other equipment or appliances;
  • prescription drugs (see PharmaCare);
  • chiropractic, massage therapy, naturopathy, physical therapy and non-surgical podiatry services (except for MSP beneficiaries with premium assistance status);
  • preventive services and screening tests not supported by evidence of medical effectiveness (for example, routine annual "complete" physical examinations, whole body CT scans, prostate specific antigen (PSA) tests);
  • services of counsellors or psychologists;
  • medical examinations, certificates or tests required for:
    • driving a motor vehicle
    • employment
    • life insurance
    • school or university
    • recreational and sporting activities
    • immigration purposes

Note: The Ministry of Health provides funding through regional Health Authorities for hospital programs, mental health and addictions services, and residential/assisted living. For information about ambulance services, see B.C. Ambulance Service. For information about assistance with prescription drug costs, go to PharmaCare.

