
[求助信息] 同学被车撞惨了(在kingston)这样情况该怎么办呢


She was in the car accident this Wednesday which happened in division st of main campus around lunch time. She was about to cross the street(already half way) when there suddenly a car showed up unexpectedly from around the corner. The speed was too fast for her to react before she was bumped 3 meters away with head heavily hitting the ground and she lost consciousness at once. The driver was Asian look and got off the car after the accident. Since no effective witness was found for the driving speed of the driver, the police cannot judge who should be respondible for. The ambulance arrived very soon and rushed her to the KGH emergency. Brain CT and X-ray were both performed and she was confirmed to have two fracture of the collar bones and concussion in brain. Currently there is no seen inner bleeding inside of skull( while it remains to be under careful observation within several weeks。她想问问应不应该找律师,这种情况该怎么办。谢谢大家

