
[求助信息] hot yoga 3 times a week?

hot yoga 3 times a week?

i'm having a huge obsession on hot yoga lately... and i'm gonna get a 3-months-unlimited membership.
the only thing that i'm a bit concered is that would it be bad for the body if i do hot yoga 3 times  or more within a  week? i get sooooooo thirsty afterwards...'nd my body feels so sore...
does anyone hv this kinda experience before? please share... thanx!


i've already got a membership at Bikram hot yoga and i'm gonna go there twice a week... this is my third time of doing the hot yoga, and i've found it with amuse that i could actually do some posts that i couldn't do previously!!!  something like strechings and stuff...
i'm lovin' it...

the bikram hot yoga's in the fort st.  it's pretty close to dt. u can google it 'nd check it out.
it's really good 4 ur body. u should try it 4 sure!

