
[实用信息] Gas Price Gouging alive and well in Victoria

Gas Price Gouging alive and well in Victoria

Quote from News Paper:

Gas prices in Vicoria now sit at 92.9 cents per litre, 20 to 30 cents above Ontario prices.
Pure and simple, this is profit-raking by the big oil companies. Sadly, in Victoria there is massive price collusion, as every station in town charges the same price. What other city of 300,000 in Canada has this kind of pricing for gas? Why can't the Competition Bureau open their eyes to the truth and fine these gas providers like they did in Quebec.
Alternatively, it is time for the public to start their own gas boycott in Victoria. Pick one or two of the majors, say esso and shell, and don't buy gas from them until they lower their price below that of the others. Such a boycott worked in Ottawa last year- let's do it here too.

大家都不买两家的, 以前我们在别的CITY也做过. 他们太黑了.

