


有兴趣的可以去现场,机会难得!  n' R' F- ~: a* D
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Great international women's volleyball match this Tues night - UBC  vs. China.  
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Make sure that you come out to watch this live event on Tuesday (7:00pm) at St. Margaret's school.
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( M9 g! V0 X) H. e9 n& M[url=]http://camosun.ca/sports/chargers/news/2008/international-vball.html[/url] [url=]<http://camosun.ca/sports/charger ... l-vball.html&gt;[/url] $ K; d: e) g7 F- a* b( c

: O2 G7 X" y8 b; [September 17, 2008
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7 Z! n& F6 Y, }4 T: W: g+ X; B* ECamosun Chargers host season’s hottest international women’s volleyball event, Sept. 231 T5 t$ }' y. {6 G+ G, p
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The Camosun College Chargers women’s volleyball team is the proud host of what promises to be the most exciting international event of the season for volleyball fans in the Capital region.1 f+ v* m; T3 v; \% Y8 `' w1 B
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Meeting head to head, are the 2007-08 CIS Women’s Volleyball National Champions, the UBC Thunderbirds and China’s Zhejiang Kai Yuan Professional Women’s Volleyball team, on September 23 at St. Margaret’s School in Victoria.9 x( s* i0 e9 u; M  z% a+ u

, Q3 V" \! i! U7 b+ P9 Q% A5 YThe Zhejiang team is a top club team, the highest level below the Chinese National Team.  Featuring a number of athletes who have either played for or are training for a spot on the Chinese National Team, the team is also referred to as a “provisional team.”   They are from the Zhejiang Province, south of Shanghai and have a full-time training centre in the city of Hangzhou.  Earlier in the season, the Zhejiang team took Team USA to four and five sets in its two matches while the US national team was on its pre-Olympic exhibition tour.) k/ \. g- F! H$ G8 d/ ]( p

) B  f7 Z9 v# c( w" o$ c) yThe team is touring Canada September 21-27 before returning to China.  Zhejiang’s 21-person contingency, led by HU Zhongdong – Vice President of Zhejiang Sports College, is making its way to Vancouver and Vancouver Island following their four-match northwest US trip where they competed against Portland State University, Oregon State University, Western Oregon University and Seattle University.# a& R" V! [% U& f8 B8 _0 u

$ O) w2 Z$ s7 S% x! i& VFeatured from Zhejiang are former national players YIN Yin and QI Lili as well as LUO Yu, who currently plays for China’s Junior National team.7 Q* u' ]) G! o5 |* H) ^; _
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Local women to watch for on the UBC T-Birds team include fifth-year right-side, Danielle Peterson (Belmont) and three first-year student-athletes: left-side, Shanice Marcelle (Spectrum), libero, Dannie Richards (Frances Kelsey, Mill Bay) and middle, Jessica von Schilling (Belmont).  Marcelle and Richards paired up last year to win gold at the 2007 Canadian U18 Beach Championships.3 B& \* v0 v5 u* I4 G) p# X

) }+ H4 y" [$ {- I" B! v0 YDoug Reimer, 12-year head coach of the UBC Thunderbirds and former head coach of the Canadian National Team anticipates a fast-paced, hard-hitting match.  “The Chinese are known for their speed and we will need to adapt to a fast offence which is a challenge for our blocking.  We are a bigger strong blocking team and will rely on that to put pressure on them as well.  We need to serve tough to put them off balance.  They are well skilled with lots of hours of training so we can’t afford to make many unforced errors,” commented Coach Reimer.4 p9 ?( V* w" w3 u) L4 _
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Catch this exciting match-up on Tuesday, September 23 at 7:00pm at St. Margaret’s School (1080 Lucas Avenue).  Tickets cost $10 (Adult), $4 (Senior/Youth) $2 (Student with ID card) and $2/person for groups of 10 or more.( [* F* j% a( r2 j4 U

