
[其他信息] Protect youself by taking the action

Protect youself by taking the action

To be ready for the flu season, it is suggested that you visit your family doctor and ask for a prescription of Tamiflu,  
Which is also called Oseltamivir- belongs to the family of medications called antivirals. It is used to treat two influenza viruses that cause the flu.  You don't necessarily fill the prescription, but it is very important to get this prescription ready in case you have the sign of getting a flu. In the situation of swine flu, Tamiflu would make a big difference as long as you take the medication the first thing when you are not feeling good.  With the situation of swine ffu getting worse, it is very important to get the prescrption ready first.......


原帖由 haobdc 于 2009-11-17 23:48 发表
Hello Chinesenurse:
   Thank you for sharing the useful infomation.
    Do you think take the shot will be best way to protect? So far how many shots do I need for this season flu and swine flu? Do ...
I don't take flu shot myself while I give people flu shot.  Just Wash your hands thoroughly- the best way to protect yourself. And keep the medication ready. You have to think about cons and pros- depends on your health status.  

At first, it was reported that one dose is enough. But now new information shows that children need Two doses of Swine flu shot. The shot can not ganrantee your saftey.

