

Ida Chong doesn't get it


By Harry Cossey, Times Colonist November 19, 2010

MLA Ida Chong seems to have missed the point about why she she is a recall target and who is involved.

Ever since Bill Vander Zalm started the Anti-HST campaign he has been after the Campbell government for its attitude and arrogance, and the NDP wisely stayed in the background.

Campbell has chosen to resign rather than face a very annoyed electorate. Now that he is gone, the campaign is going after the Campbell sycophants still in the government.

Chong says that she has worked hard and, in the past, she might have. But in the more recent past she has ignored the wishes of those in her riding by following the party line.

She said little or nothing regarding the sale of B.C. Rail, the abandonment of the forest lands from Sooke to Jordan River or the HST. When I wrote to her asking that she do something in regard to saving Oak Bay Lodge, I received no reply.

It's said that "as ye sow, so ye shall reap."

