
[实用信息] 求证关于最近疯传中国驾照不被BC承认的真实性


ICBC是BC省的Crown Insurance Corporation with expanded services like licensing, making some rules etc, 但同样也不是立法机构。这也是为什么这个问题会有分歧和争议性。而且就这次,列市的皇家骑警像是更有法可依。即使因此去appeal罚单,通常也只能认罪接受处罚。

现实中即使法律是一样的,执行的尺度和力度有时会有很大的出入。我们周围可能都会碰到有人在这里拿中国驾照开车多年的, 但是即使是按照ICBC的规定, PR可以持原有国家的驾照开车90天,之后要换成BC的;TR反而可以持原有国家的驾照开车6个月,之后也须换成BC的。而且按规定还要持有认可的英文翻译件等...所以也是换了省心。

目前各相关部门都在协商,包括省府的司法厅和交通厅,据说中国领事馆也已介入。有时候需要纳入考量的不仅仅是法律吧,这个规定对BC省的经济尤其是旅游还是有影响的,当然对ICBC的影响更大更直接。 希望各方能尽快达成妥协,对持中国驾照开车的同胞们一个清清楚楚的可以或是不可以。


转: Chinese drivers' licences now accepted by B.C. RCMP

RCMP will no longer ticket visitors, students and new residents using Chinese licencesBy Mike Laanela, CBC News Posted: Apr 24, 2014 8:01 AM PT Last Updated: Apr 24, 2014 8:54 AM PT

RCMP in B.C. have reached an agreement with ICBC to stop ticketing drivers from China who are temporarily using their drivers' licences while in the province.

Richmond RCMP confirmed earlier this month they have issued tickets to drivers who produced drivers' licenses issued in China because they had no way of verifying the information because there is no agreement between China and Canada.

Now, ICBC says it will work with police to validate licences at the roadside, meaning visitors, students and new residents from China can once again use their out-of-province drivers' license on a temporary basis.

New residents will still have 90 days to get a B.C. drivers' license, while temporary visitors can use their out-of-province license for up to six months.

Students can use an out-of-province license as long as they are registered at an accredited institution.

