


the following is forworded stuff. the red part seems little bit tricky.

Canada to provide financial aid to China

www.chinaview.cn  2008-05-16 16:49:40      Print
Special report: Strong Earthquake Jolts SW China
    OTTAWA, May 15 (Xinhua) -- Canada will provide financial aid to
China in the aftermath of a devastating earthquake that hit southwest
China's Sichuan Province on Monday, Minister of International
Cooperation Bev Oda said Thursday.
    The federal government will match private donations made to aid
groups working
on disaster relief in China, she said.
    "We're constantly talking with the organizations on the ground and
we're going to be responding as they assess their needs and get their
requests into us," Oda told reporters in Ottawa.
    Meanwhile, local governments and the public also offered financial
help to China. The Ontario provincial government announced Thursday it
would provide 1 million Canadian dollars (about 1 million U.S.
dollars) to China. Premier Dalton Mcguinty expressed condolences for
the victims and solicitude for survivors Monday, immediately after the
earthquake happened.
    "We know that every citizen of our world is a neighbor. So we
stand with our Chinese neighbors in their time of need," he said.
    Canadian public have been active in donating to support the
earthquake relief work. More than 500,000 Canadian dollars (500,000
U.S. dollars) has been collected up to Thursday, according to the
Canadian Red Cross.


" More than 500,000 Canadian dollars (500,000
U.S. dollars) has been collected up to Thursday, according to the
Canadian Red Cross."

http://news.sina.com/hk/ausdaily ... 15/20502902130.html

