可是LZ有学习许可的啊,学校当初跟我说是如果换学校的话,就在MyCIC里边change一下institution就行。但是LZ现在不明白的是退学之后有没有多长时间不上学,学习许可就作废这一说,以为LZ退学到下次开学中间有四个月的空白期 作者: ken 时间: 2014-9-26 16:04
As of June 1, 2014, all study permit holders in Canada will need to actively pursue studies. This means that:
if you hold a study permit, you must remain enrolled and make reasonable and timely progress towards completing your program; and
failing to do so could lead to your removal from Canada.
Your educational institution will report to CIC on your continued enrolment and academic status. You may also be asked by an immigration officer to provide evidence of your continued enrolment and academic status.
If you are no longer a student but wish to remain in Canada as a visitor, please see Visit Canada.
You may change your school, program, field of study or level of study (e.g. from the Bachelor level to the Masters level) without applying for a new study permit. You do not need to apply for a change to the condition of your study permit, either. You may continue to use your study permit as long as it is valid.