"These are adding stress to the area where we expectdamaging earthquakesto occur," said Stanford University geophysicsprofessor Paul Segall,"... so what does that mean? What do you do from apractical standpoint?"
When the ETS was first discovered, officials in Canada sentout earthquakewarnings when one fired up because they worried these eventssignaled apotential quake. After a string of false alarms and new mysteries,they'vestopped the practice.
However, the question remains: Are these events associatedwith earthquakes andif so, how?
Segall is building computer models to find answers and sofar has somepreliminary results that suggest the tremors and slips are in factconnected toquakes. In his simulations, after a big earthquake, the events stopfor about100 years and then start up again.
And then one of them eventually will "spontaneouslygrow into a fast,dynamic rupture" – an earthquake. The problem is hecan't tell which onewill mutate into disaster.
Read more: http://www.seattlepi.com/local/a ...9.php#ixzz2NLGsrhQL
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