16万加元大概只能买到一个 one bed room的公寓楼,每月的管理费大约$200-300元,一般来讲,地税要另交,大约平均下来也要$100-200吧。如果要贷款,加上每个月的贷款利息,看看一共要多少,再比较一下你现在的房租,其差额就是你能省下的房租钱了。
Going fast: Strong demand has melted awayinventory in some housing marketsApril Buying Advice: With investors andfirst-time buyers vying for bargains, homes are being snatched up as soon asthey hit the market.By Melinda Fulmer of MSN Real Estate
Prices may not be shooting up, but homes are once again selling at a rapid clipin many markets, draining multiple-listing services and turning up thecompetitive pressure on buyers. Yep, that's right: Multiple offers are back.