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标题: air max 247 [打印本页]

作者: joe191    时间: 2011-8-21 18:24     标题: air max 247

"The man on the stretcher over me has a hemorrhage.""We're not far from the top. I wouldn't be able to get the stretcher out alone." He started the car. The stream kept on. In the dark I could not see where it came from the canvas overhead. I tried to move sideways so that it did not fall on me. Where it had run down under my shirt it was warm and sticky. I was cold and my leg hurt so that it made me sick. After a while the stream from the stretcher above lessened and started to drip
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again and I heard and felt the canvas above move as the man on the stretcher settled more comfortably."How is he?" the Englishman called back."We're almost up.""He's dead I think," I said.The drops fell very slowly, as they fall from an icicle after the sun has gone. It was cold in the car in the night as the road climbed. At the post on the top they took the stretcher out and put another in and we went on.'So,' Jess went on. 'Who's going to go where?'

'So, the point when everything starts to suck… That's like our college degree. Our graduation.'We got into Milan early in the morning and they unloaded us in the freight yard. An ambulance took me to the American hospital. Riding in the ambulance on a stretcher I could not tell what part of town we were passing through but when they unloaded the stretcher I saw a market-place and an open wine shop with a girl sweeping out. They were watering the street and it smelled of the early morning. They put the stretcher down and went in. The porter came out with them. He had gray
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mustaches, wore a doorman's cap and was in his shirt sleeves. The stretcher would not go into the elevator and they discussed whether it was better to lift me off the stretcher and go up in the elevator or carry the stretcher up the stairs. I listened to them discussing it. They decided on the elevator. They lifted me from the stretcher. "Go easy," I said. "Take it softly."

"But you won't ever leave me for some one else.""We won't think about that until you go. You see I'm happy, darling, and we have a lovely time. I haven't been happy for a long time and when I met you perhaps I was nearly crazy. Perhaps I was crazy. But now we're happy and we love each other. Do let's please just be happy. You are happy, aren't you? Is there anything I do you don't like? Can I do anything to please you? Would you like me to take down my hair? Do you want to play?"I don't know which part of the story to tell you about next. There's another coincidence
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involved, so I don't know whether to put it here, in the coincidences section, or later on, after I've told you about the quiz. Maybe if I separate the coincidences out, push them further apart, you might believe them more. On the other hand, I don't care whether you believe them, because they're true. And in any case, I still can't decide whether they arecoincidences or not, these things: perhaps getting something you want is never a coincide

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