“you have $6000 of federal unused tuition, education and textbook amounts available to carry forward to a future year” 是你在2010年或以前的学习费用中没有足够收入抵消的余额部分,在明年初报2011年税时再用(抵2011年收入),填在联邦第11税表,第一行。 你也应还有BC省的学习费用余额, 明年填在省税第11表. 也是第一行. 请参考 http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/tx/ndvd ... /323/schdl-eng.html
"based on availabe information at the beginning of 2011. you unused Tax-Free Savings Account contribution room is &7,000" 是你时买过的 TFSA 的余额记录. TFSA 是从2009年开始的, 18岁以上每人每年可存$5000, 到2011年(目前)为止共三年, 可存额共$15000. 税务局记录了在税务局发单时为止你 (共存了$8000) 还有$7000余额可存. 银行会在2012年初报你今年新的存取额记录给税务局. TFSA 详情请见下网址: http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/tx/ndvdls/tpcs/tfsa-celi/menu-eng.html
“you have $6000 of federal unused tuition, education and textbook amounts available to carry forward to a fauture year”
这个只能在五年内有效,时间再长就没用了哈. 作者: freedom_2008 时间: 2011-4-30 19:50
原帖由 snowdj 于 2011-4-30 17:43 发表
“you have $6000 of federal unused tuition, education and textbook amounts available to carry forward to a fauture year”
“You can carry forwardindefinitely and claim in a future year the part of your tuition, education, and textbook amounts you cannot use (and do not transfer) for the year”