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标题: 精油与美容和健康 [打印本页]

作者: ananshen    时间: 2010-7-24 21:01     标题: 精油与美容和健康


        原料: 水(250ml) 加入  1茶匙姜片,煮沸5分钟后,移去姜.加入1Chamomile洋甘菊1菩提子(碾碎),浸泡10分钟,趁热喝完10个薄菏浸泡。






作者: ananshen    时间: 2010-7-29 14:57     标题: Anxiety & Stress 焦虑和压力

1杯(250ml)沸水,放入1茶匙洋甘菊和猫薄荷,盖紧盖子, 10minute后滤去花草即可饮用.可根据需要加入蜂蜜,每日三杯子。
3.西洋参口服:  每日两次250mg西洋参口服,连续6个星期.
4.芳香沐浴: 250g浴盐用温暖的水溶解在浴缸中。 在您进入浴缸前,添5滴薰衣草和檀香精油,2滴依兰精油,搅动后入水。泡浴20分钟如果能和烛光、浴枕和一件厚实的长浴袍配合使用,效果更佳。

作者: ananshen    时间: 2010-8-7 12:20

Natural Beauty
Real beauty doesn't come from a bottle or a jar- it comes from within us. There is just no substitute for the healthy grow that comes from talking care of yourself naturally, with a nutritious diet, regular exercise, and plenty of relaxation, rest, and play. At the same time, natural beauty and body-care treatments can help you look good and feel your best.

Caring for normal skin

Normal skin is clear, smooth, finely textured, and has just the right amount of nature moisture. Use a gentle cleanser, toner, and moisturizer daily, and treat yourself to regular exfoliating treatments and facials to keep your skin looking its best.

Simple yogurt cleanser

1 teaspoon plain whole-milk yogurt
1 drop lavender essential oil
Combine yogurt and 1 drop lavender oil ,mix together well. Dampen your face with warm water and massage the yogurt mixture into your skin for a minute. Rinse well with warm water.

Aromatherapy cleanser
1/4 cup (60ml) rose water
1/4 cup (60ml) vegetable glycerin
1/4 cup (60ml) aloe vera gel
10 drops lavender essential oil
Mix the ingredients in a bottle and shake well. To use the cleanser, dampen your skin with warm water and gently massage the lotion in. Rinse with tepid water.

Herb toner
1 cup (250ml) distilled witch hazel
1 teaspoon dried chamomile
1 teaspoon dried calendula
1 teaspoon dried comfrey leaf
1 teaspoon dried elderflower
1 teaspoon dried rose petals
Mix the witch hazel with the dried herbs in a glass jar. Cover with a lid and allow to steep for two weeks in a warm ,dark place. Gently shake the jar every day to keep the herbs from setting. Strain, and store in a clean bottle. To use, apply to your skin with a cotton cosmetic pad after washing your face –or use as a quick skin freshener after exercising.

Simple skin toner
1 teaspoon distilled witch hazel
10 drops lavender essential oil
Mix the ingredients in a 125ml bottle. Shake well. Saturate a cotton ball with toner and gently wipe it over your skin.

Simple moisturizer
10 drops lavender essential oil
1 fl oz jojoba oil
Mix the ingredients well, After cleansing your face and applying toner, massage a few drops of the oil on to the oil.

Aromatherapy moisturizing oil
1 floz (30ml) jojoba oil
7drops lavender essential oil
3 drops geranium essential oil
Combine the ingredients in a small glass bottle with a dropper. After cleansing, and while your skin is still damp, gently massage in several drops of the oil.

Citrus and lavender moisturizing cream
The rich cream is good in very cold and dry weather.
2 tablespoon grape-seed oil
2 tablespoon jojoba oil
1 tablespoon grated beeswax
1 400-IU vitamin E oil
1/4 cup(60ml) aloe vera juice
3 drops grapefruit-seed extract
5 drops lavender essential oil
5 drops grapefruit essential oil
Warm the grape oil, jojoba oil, and beeswax gently over a low heat until the wax melts. Remove from the heat, when the liquids are lukewarm, added the rest. shake well. Store in a cool place. Use the cream sparingly.

Aromatherapy facial mask
2 teaspoon plain whole-milk yogurt
1/2 teaspoon cosmetic clay
2 drops lavender essential oil
1 drops geranium essential oil
Combine all the ingredients and mix well. Smooth the mask on to clean skin. Remove after 15 minutes with a warm , wet washcloth.

Be Con't

Any require,pls mail:
NG Remedies Ltd (Canada)

作者: Jam    时间: 2010-8-7 22:15

作者: ananshen    时间: 2010-8-8 08:41


Dr.Billy (Bin) Chen , ND
NG Remedies Ltd. (Canada)
作者: brightred    时间: 2010-8-8 11:25

Where is your office then? How can I find you? How much do you charge?
作者: ananshen    时间: 2010-8-8 12:21

thanks ,i sent the message to you
作者: VIVILIN    时间: 2010-8-10 20:47

作者: ananshen    时间: 2010-8-17 22:19

作者: ananshen    时间: 2010-8-17 22:28     标题: Natural Beauty and Health

Caring for dry skin

        Dry skin needs plenty of moisture and protection from indoor heating, air conditioning, cold weather, and wind. Avoid harsh soaps and cleansers. Use warm, not hot, water for cleaning. Rich cleansers, toners, and moisturizers keep skin supple; mild exfoliation and facials smooth and soften rough, dry skin.

Cleansing oil

2 fl oz (60ml) jojoba oil

2fl oz (60ml) almond oil

1 400-IU vitamin E oil

10 drops carrot-seed essential oil

        Mix the oils together in a small bottle. Shake well before using. To use, apply the cleansing oil with a cotton cosmetic pad. Follow by cleansing your skin with your choice of facial cleanser.

Aromatherapy cleansing lotion

1/4 cup (60ml) rose water

1/4 cup (60ml) vegetable glycerin

1/4 cup (60ml) aloe vera gel

5 drops palmarosa essential oil

2 drops rose essential oil

        Mix the ingredients thoroughly together in a bottle and shake well before using. Dampen your skin with warm water and gentle massage some of the lotion in. Rinse with tepid water.

Herbal Toner

1/2 cup (125 ml) distilled witch hazel

1/2 cup (125ml) rose water

2 teaspoon dried comfrey leaf

1 teaspoon dried chamomile

1 teaspoon dried calendula

1 teaspoon dried rose petals

1 teaspoon vegetable glycerin

        Combine the ingredients in a glass jar with tight-fitting lid. Steep the mixture for two weeks in a warm , dark place. Gently shake the jar every day to keep the herbs from setting. Strain, and store in a clean bottle. To use, saturate a cotton cosmetic pad with the toner and gentle wipe over your skin.

Aromatherapy toner

1 teaspoon distilled witch hazel

20 drops sandalwood essential oil

1 teaspoon vegetable glycerin

1 cup (250ml) rose water

         Combine the sandalwood essential oil and witch hazel in a bottle and shake well. Add the vegetable glycerin and rose water and shake again. Saturate a cotton cosmetic pad with the toner and gentle wipe over your skin.

Aromatherapy moisturizing oil

1 fl oz (30ml) jojoba oil

7 drops sandalwood essential oil

3 drops palmarosa 玫瑰草essential oil

      Combine the ingredients thoroughly in a small bottle with dropper, after cleansing your skin, gentle massage several drops of the oil on to your damp skin with your fingertips.

Rose moisturizing cream

2 tablespoon jojoba oil

2 tablespoon almond oil

1 tablespoon grated beeswax

1 400-IU vitamin E

1/4 cup (60ml) rose water

5 drops rose essential oil

3 drops grapefruit-seed extract

        Warm the jojoba oil and almond oils with the beeswax in a pot over a low heat until the wax melts. Add the contents of the capsule. Warm the rose water over a low heat, when the liquids are lukewarm, slowly pour the rose water into the oil, beating steadily until cool, thick, and smooth. Stir in the rose essential oil and grapefruit –seed extract.

Spoon into a clean jar and cool complete before covering, Store in a cool place, apply this rich cream sparingly.

Aromatherapy facial mask

2 teaspoon plain whole-milk yogurt

1/2 teaspoon jojoba oil

1/2 teaspoon cosmetic clay

2 drops sandalwood essential oil

1 drop rose essential oil

        Mix the ingredients well and apply to the clean skin. Remove after 15 minutes with a warm, wet washcloth.

Be Con't

Dr.Billy (Bin) Chen , ND
Any require,pls mail:

NG Remedies Ltd (Canada)

作者: VIVILIN    时间: 2010-9-6 20:44

作者: ananshen    时间: 2010-9-14 21:36     标题: Caring for oily skin

Caring for oily skin

Oily skin needs thorough cleansing to remove excess oil. Avoid harsh astringents that can leave skin overly dry. Gently herbal astringents help control oiliness and temporarily tighten pores.

Herbal scrubs, steams, and makes are especially helpful for deep cleansing oily skin and can be used twice a week.

Aromatherapy cleanser

1/4 cup (60ml) distilled witch hazel

1/4 cup (60ml) vegetable glycerin

1/4 cup (60ml) aloe vera gel

1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar

5 drops grapefruit essential oil

2 drops lemon essential oil

Mix the ingredients in a bottle and shake well. Dampen your skin with warm water and gentle massage in the lotion. Rinse your skin with tepid water.

Aromatherapy astringent

1 cup (250ml) distilled witch hazel

10 drops juniper essential oil

10 drops lavender essential oil

Combine the ingredients in a bottle and shake well, to use, saturate a cotton pad with astringent and gently wipe over skin.

Aromatherapy moisturizing oil

1 fl oz (30ml) jojoba oil

5 drops cypress essential oil

5 drops grapefruit essential

Mix the ingredients in a small glass bottle with a dropper, after cleanser your skin, gently massage two or three drops of the oil on to your damp skin with your fingertips.

Herbal Scrub

2 cups (200g) rolled oats

1/2 cup (75g) almonds

2 tablespoon dried lavender

1 tablespoon dried peppermint

1 tablespoon dried comfrey

1/2 cup (60g) cosmetic clay

In separate batches, finely grind the rolled oats, almonds, and mixed dried herbs in a coffee grinder or blender. Thoroughly combine the three batches into a mixture a mixture of cleansing grains

Add the cosmetic clay to the mixture of cleansing grains and resulting herbal scrub in a covered container and keep in a cool, dry place

To use, mix a heaped teaspoon of the herbal scrub with enough warm water to make a paste. Gently massage the mixture on to your skin, then rinse well with warm water.

Aromatherapy Mask

2 teaspoon plain low fat yogurt

1 tablespoon finely chopped cucumber

2 teaspoon cosmetic clay

2 drops lavender essential oil

1 drop juniper essential oil

Combine all the ingredients together and mix them thoroughly in to a paste. Cleanse your face and then smooth on the aromatherapy mask. Afterward , remove the paste with a warm wet washcloth.

Dr.Billy (Bin) Chen , ND
Any require,pls mail:
NG Remedies Ltd (Canada)

作者: ananshen    时间: 2010-10-5 20:16

Caring for sensitive skin

Sensitive skin needs an especially gentle touch. Use only the purest natural products, cleanse skin with lukewarm water , and apply toners and moisturizers as protection from the elements. Herbs and essential oils with anti-inflammatory properties help calm the irritation and redness characteristic of sensitive skin.

敏感性皮肤需要特别柔和的按摩接触。 使用最纯净的自然产品,洗皮肤要用温热水,并且应用爽肤水和保湿霜作为保护肌肤的必要元素。 草本和精油类的自然产品可有效抗发炎物和有红血丝等典型敏感性皮肤的症状.

Rose water & glycerin cleanser

1/2 cup (125ml) rose water

1/2 cup (125ml) vegetable glycerin

2 drops rose water

Combine the ingredients in a bottle and shake well. Dampen skin with warm water and gentle massage the lotion in with your fingertips. Then rinse your skin with warm water.

Aromatherapy toner

1 teaspoon distilled witch hazel

5drops lavender essential oil

5 drops rose essential oil

1 cup (250ml) rose water

Combine the hazel and essential oils in a bottle and shake well, add the rose water and shake again. Saturate a cotton cosmetic pad with the toner and gently wipe over your skin

Creamy scrub for dry and delicate skin

1/2 cup (50g) rolled oats

2 teaspoons almonds

1 drop rose essential oil

1 tablespoon heavy cream

Finely grind the oats and almonds in a separate batches in a clean coffee grinder or blender.mix the batches together and store in a covered container. Add one drop of rose essential oil to scent the blend, if desired. To use, combine
tablespoon of scrub mixture with one tablespoon of heavy cream. Dampen your face with warm water. And massage the cream gentle on to your skin with youe fingertips, rinse well with warm water.

Moisturizing oil

1 fl oz (30ml) jojoba oil

3 drops chamomile oil

3 drops neroli essential oil

Combine he ingredients in a small bottle with a dropper works well for dispensing drops of oil. After cleansing your skin gently massage several drops of the moisturizing oil on to your damp skin with your fingertips.

Chamomile cream

2 tablespoon grape seed oil

2 tablespoon jojoba oil

1 tablespoon grated beeswax

400 IU capsule vitamin E oil

1/4 cup (60ml) rose water

5 drops chamomile essential oil

5 drops rose essential oil

3 drops grapefruit seed extract

Gentle warm the grape-seed and jojoba oil with the beeswax over a low heat until the beeswax melts. Remove from heat, add the contents of Vit E. warm the rose water over a low heat. When both liquids are lukewarm, slowly pour the rose water into the oil, beating steadily with a wire whisk or an electric beater set on the lowest speed until cool, thick, and smooth. Stir in the chamomile and rose essential oil and then the grape-seed extract. Spoon the chamomile cream into a clean jar and cool it completely before covering. Store in a cool place. Apply the cream sparingly to the skin after cleanser and toning.

Aromatherapy facial mask

2 teaspoon rolled oats

2 teaspoon plain whole-milk yogurt

1/2 teaspoon honey

1 drop chamomile essential oil

Grind the oats into fine powder in a clean blender or coffee grinder. Combine all ingredients and mix well. Smooth the mask on to clean skin and then remove after 15 minutes with a warm wet washcloth.


Dr. Billy (Bin) Chen,ND

Any require,Pls Mail:

NG Remedies Ltd (Canada)

作者: Jam    时间: 2010-10-5 22:48

作者: ANGLEAL    时间: 2010-10-12 23:24

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