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标题: [实用信息] 免税储蓄账户五千限额易误读 当心被罚 [打印本页]

作者: jintripp    时间: 2010-6-8 18:13     标题: 免税储蓄账户五千限额易误读 当心被罚


针灸 / 推拿 / 健康咨询 / 中草药及中成药零售
113-2187 Oak Bay
Victoria BC  V8R 1G1


作者: jiajia    时间: 2010-6-8 18:37     标题: 就是咯!

we never win。
作者: linafeng    时间: 2010-6-8 19:22

恩,的确要清楚了解政府对这个账户的要求。政府其实并不鼓励大家把这个TFSA当作日常的储蓄账户使用,所以产品本身在银行设立的规定就是无论存取都要在银行操作,自己是不能独立在online banking或ATM上操作的。


如果大家把TFSA当作一般储蓄账户来用,这种频繁的存取交易,只能让自己越来越迷糊,不知到一年里一共存了多少钱,很容易over contribute的。

Lina Feng 冯莉娜
Financial Services Manager
Bank of Montreal
3481 Cook Street
作者: s2948cott    时间: 2010-6-9 21:33     标题: Please Lina Feng

Please  Lina Feng: This year I open a TFSA at HSBC. Next year , May I open a new TFSA at nother bank? Thanks.
作者: freedom_2008    时间: 2010-6-9 22:36

Similar as RRSP, you can open another or more accounts with other banks at any time, next year or this year, as long as your total contribution among all accounts does not exceed the amount allowed by CRA.  It is the banks who report your last year TFSAs' activity to CRA and CRA then tells you how much you can contribute for this year, based on last year's reports and current year's amount, it is in your tax Notice of Assessment from CRA.  

Say you contributed $5000 and then took out $2000 from TFSA in 2009, CRA will tell you in your 2009 notice of assessment that you can contribute $7000 in 2010, and it doesn't matter if you contribute $700 each to 10 accounts or $7000 to one account in 2010.  

Of course people normally like to consolidate their accounts for better investment management.  So if you like the other bank (say BMO for example ) better, you can also transfer your TFSA money from HSBC to BMO, just like RRSP transfer (but with a different form), with no impact to your new TFSA contribution room.
作者: lavender    时间: 2010-6-10 16:49

作者: s2948cott    时间: 2010-6-10 19:50     标题: freedom-2008:

作者: s2948cott    时间: 2010-6-10 19:50     标题: freedom-2008:

作者: s2948cott    时间: 2010-6-10 19:50     标题: freedom-2008:

作者: s2948cott    时间: 2010-6-10 20:18     标题: freedom-2008:Thank you very much

Please again: (1) How  transfer my TFSA money? (2) If I will take out $10000 from TFSA in Dec 31, 2010. May I can deposit $ 15000 to TFSA in Jan 1,2011.Thanks.
作者: freedom_2008    时间: 2010-6-10 21:56     标题: 回复 10# 的帖子

(1) go to the bank where you want to transfer TFSA to, they will help you to fill the form and send the request in, similar as in RRSP transfer case.  Remeber to ask they cover the trasnfer fee (charged by the bank that tansfer from) for you as well.

(2) In theory yes, but first, no banks are not open on Jan 1st; second, why do you need the take the money out for only one day in a TFSA account?  To be safe, you'd better wait the notice from CRA before contributing, or call them up to ask.

The benefit of a TFSA is for long term investment, not good for normal banking usage, as Lina also mentioned.  It can be a great thing only if you use it correctly.
作者: s2948cott    时间: 2010-6-11 20:18

freedom-2008: Thank you very much."Why do you need the take the money out for only one day in a TFSA account?" How long " take out" then "deposit"? Thanks.
作者: 海阔天空    时间: 2010-6-11 21:38     标题: 做人不能贪心!


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