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标题: Dinner Cook-off 烹饪比赛 Feb.9 [打印本页]

作者: SenZhan    时间: 2010-1-19 23:19     标题: Dinner Cook-off 烹饪比赛 Feb.9

我是Royal Roads University 企业管理专业的学生, 我们小组现在在策划一个烹饪比赛,大家如果有兴趣的话就跟联系 买票或者是当志愿者都可以。我的联系方式是
! W! ]. _5 a" u& K/ P3 M& e# ^! Z  d+ F. R& z" ?  `
这次的全部收入都会捐给FOOD BANK, 我们自己是不会拿到这些收入的。
5 }8 V# V* q8 j2 x3 Z3 u+ l  o% Z/ j: m( @8 O( q- l% W/ H
Entree-preneur Epicure
烹饪比赛 有八个厨师, 时间是2月9号下午5点到8点,地址是Ambrosia Conference and Event Centre at 638 Fisgard Street。& ]- q5 N* |6 r) a) }5 W# ~

+ f5 b' p" p0 s0 U. Z: B& H8 d) j除了可以看烹饪比赛 还可以享受一顿美味的晚餐。门票是$40,如果买下一整张桌子(8人座), 可以买7张票赠送一张票。我们大约要接受180到200位客人, 以及10位志愿者
/ c1 X" \: k) {6 n. L5 d6 x- K* F. A9 N3 \$ [! c3 D7 ~6 I
下面是一些具体的细节 有兴趣就看看吧~^.^7 [# W1 z0 {( P2 e" X
6 [/ I. |; k7 N2 Q4 x: F# B* ~/ B
3 c9 [# B$ ]! M; X6 B0 O

Entree-preneur Epicure

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8 K( a( \2 R; y# I1 Q, H9 H  M
There are many people in theGreater Victoria area who struggle to make ends meet daily and evenmore so in times of economic instability.  Families, students andseniors do their best day to day trying to cook and eat healthy foodson a very limited budget.  The Victoria area also has a large number ofsuites and in-house apartments which help to house many people whocould not otherwise afford to live here.  In many of these suites andapartments the kitchen cooking facilities are at a minimum.  In a lotof cases, there is a 2 burner hot plate, a microwave oven, and perhapsa toaster oven.  The Mustard Seed is an organization that is trying tohelp those in need by not only providing food, but by educating boththe users of their services and those who donate.  Teaching people howto cook a healthy meal in a short period of time, using limitedfacilities would not only help ensure they are eating nutritiously, butcould reduce medical problems, help children learn better in school,and help seniors maintain their independence. For people who donate tothe Mustard Seed, every donation is a welcome one, but moreimportantly, donations of healthy foods high in nutritional value arealways needed and encouraged.
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Method 5 _  i; @8 z1 v: d8 \
Entree-preneur Epicure is a creative cooking competition between 8 chefs from the GreaterVictoria area.  The core of this event is to showcase cookingeconomical healthy foods using limited cooking resources.  The Chefswill be given a list of the average inventory that is on hand atMustard Seed, and they must create a healthy meal, using a microwave,toaster oven, or hotplate, or a combination of all three.  The Chefsmust do this in less than 15 minutes.  There will be a panel of judgesfrom the business community of Victoria。
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作者: jerryloveshome    时间: 2010-1-20 10:26

不错的活动。不过。。。。40刀, 有点贵啊。
作者: SenZhan    时间: 2010-1-20 10:34     标题: 回复 2# 的帖子

价钱是贵了些 不过物有所值啊~有比赛有晚餐 而且还可以把食谱带回家的~~~这些收入我们全部都是捐给Charity~~
. I0 ?( }0 O5 K: ?3 y5 ]4 X
- O$ |% \+ }  S% `而且我们现在在联系乐队  到时候会更有意思的~

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