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标题: 关于这周末中秋节 [打印本页]

作者: zueiku123    时间: 2008-9-11 22:06     标题: 关于这周末中秋节

作者: MrGrant    时间: 2008-9-12 08:42

From VCCEF:5 |/ @' Z9 U* ]% W; V/ u3 ^% X
+ `' x! H8 a# u: K, ?4 C
明月千里寄相思+ R; u/ `0 X- |; `
4 k+ y) C9 a- r( Q7 ^5 h7 M% ?* e6 M$ i
# ~8 r& v+ x, o& H2 ~8 l+ DWe will have a party for Chinses Moon Festival Party. We will start Potluck at Saturday 6:00pm. After dinner we will sing the songs and enjoy the children performance, game etc.& r3 R$ L5 o+ Z1 h
& u5 S1 v6 n; l8 e: ^
地点: Emmanuel Baptist Church,
! |% [1 b6 k6 O, b" |2121 Cedar Hill Cross Rd. (大学南门)% W9 T. \" S3 Y$ M

. a9 j, q7 t+ U* P0 e7 a查询: 250-4126963 or 250-885-0791
3 D7 ?/ h- g$ Z) p) h6 s1 e2 S# l6 i
2 M( e- P& k8 }5 \6 @7 g2 @活动安排:Potluck 晚餐, 中秋月饼。
4 X9 Q5 }, s8 D/ n' ]儿童表演,唱诗,京剧, 游戏, 分享.

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