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标题: [求助信息] 关于银行卡!小妹求助 [打印本页]

作者: rina    时间: 2008-8-25 00:33     标题: 关于银行卡!小妹求助


作者: linafeng    时间: 2008-8-25 08:31



Lina Feng 冯莉娜
Financial Services Manager
Bank of Montreal Safeway Instore
1950 Foul Bay Road
Victoria, BC, V8R5A7
作者: yyyyy    时间: 2008-8-27 12:26     标题: Royal Bank's student classic 2 VISA is not bad.

No fees and you can still get points to redeem for gift cards and stuff. It's a good deal for students. Bank of Montreal's mastercard is great for others, not so much for students.
作者: linafeng    时间: 2008-8-27 20:03

原帖由 yyyyy 于 2008-8-27 12:26 发表
No fees and you can still get points to redeem for gift cards and stuff. It's a good deal for students. Bank of Montreal's mastercard is great for others, not so much for students.

不知道yyyyy是否知道BMO的SPC student Mastercard。这是专门为学生朋友设计的信用卡,不仅是无年费,能累积Airmiles点,而且还能在以下所有的商家结账时获得即使折扣,估计这是RBC学生visa不能提供的服务特色吧。

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Lina Feng 冯莉娜
Financial Services Manager
Bank of Montreal Safeway Instore
1950 Foul Bay Road
Victoria, BC, V8R5A7

作者: yyyyy    时间: 2008-8-28 11:38     标题: Dont know if lina knows that Airmiles is not as useful to student as gift cards.

Gift card is always better than discounts if you must know.
作者: linafeng    时间: 2008-8-28 14:21


RBC student VISA 提供:无年费,积分换Gift Card, 所谓的“1+1”
BMO student Mastercard 提供:无年费,积分换Gift Card,再加商家的即时discount。所谓的“1+1+1”。


Lina Feng 冯莉娜
Financial Services Manager
Bank of Montreal Safeway Instore
1950 Foul Bay Road
Victoria, BC, V8R5A7

作者: yyyyy    时间: 2008-8-28 15:29     标题: Hey, nothing to offend BMO.

Just want to give our new comers more options. No one want this column to be a Bank of Montreal free advertisement.
I just want this Xiao Mei to make the most informed decision. Not just someone who has self interest in the issue and bias only towards the services that BMO provides.

These are the banks available in Victoria:
1. Bank of Nova Scotia
2. Toronto Dominion Bank
4. Royal Bank of Canada
5. Bank of Montreal

To XiaoMei:

Go check all of them and pick the one that you like the best.
作者: lmp0518    时间: 2008-8-28 16:21

I am a student, not an employee of a bank, compared many banks ,I think Bank of Montreal's Mosaik is really good, I get  0.5% cash back, got about 100 dollars back and have SPC discount in 6 months, and no fee.
作者: dailian11    时间: 2008-8-28 17:40

我用TD的. 也很不错.信用卡这东西其实大同小宜. 最重要大是服务.  我个人觉得TD服务很好, 很多分行营业时间都比大多数银行长.
虽然很多银行说没有年费, 但是很多其他的服务都会收服务费. 比如办学生签证要的资金证明, 我室友在BMO被收了$8刀. 之前在RBC, 要一份BANK STATEMENT也被收了$5刀. 所以到头来, 哪家银行都会占我们便宜. 所以不如用一家服务让你舒服的银行. :0)
作者: yyyyy    时间: 2008-8-28 17:51

To Imp0518,
That means you have spent $20,000 to get that $100.  For every 2 dollar you spent, you get 1 cent back. If I spent 1 dollar at UVic for a coke and return the bottle and I get 5 cents back. And you still think you got a deal?

I m not a student who spend a lot. To spend more than $20,000. It ll probably take me two years. You know what, you can only get 0.5% back. If you don't spend it and put it in a savings account or GICs, you get 3% back. Let's see which way you save quicker.
作者: linafeng    时间: 2008-8-28 21:36

To yyyyy,


首先,我想说,我们跟着这个帖子,是为了能够帮到楼主,根据我们所知道的信息,回答她提出的问题。所有人的出发点都是好的。从我提出BMO SPC Mastercard,到你跟帖说这个卡不好,然后我再问为什么不好,都是一个善意的一问一答。出发点是我想和你,和大家讨论,对于学生来说,到底哪个信用卡更好。我在#4的帖子上和大家分享了我的看法,为什么我说BMO的可能更好一点,也希望你能详细说明一下你的观点,为什么RBC会给学生带来更多好处,而不是只给一个结论,而没有论点,这样大家会很迷糊。

其次,我很荣幸当时网站的管理员能请我做这个板块的版主。因为我的工作关系,我希望我的工作经验能为大家提供更多有用的信息。我能提供的信息自然也就与BMO有关。但是我的确没想到,这会让你觉得我是给BMO做广告,而且还是为“我的个人利益”。一,如果你能浏览一下我所写的所有帖子,我提供的都是对大家有用的实用信息,关于BMO的产品介绍,我只是向大家介绍的确是BMO有特色的产品,从免费的个人账户,到学生信用卡,到6年浮动利率的房屋贷款。我从来不会在这里跟大家吹BMO的term investment产品,因为我知道BMO的定存利率并不是所有银行中有竞争力的。所以我的出发点,是让大家知道BMO提供的的确“出类拔萃”的产品。二,这是一个维多利亚华人互帮互助互分享的一个平台,绝对不是我,也不是BMO的专用平台。我们会很欢迎来自RBC,CIBC,TD等等其他银行机构的华人朋友来这里和大家分享他们的“明星产品”和服务特色。我想这也是大家希望看到的,因为这样才能使这个网站更具有信息收集性,让更多人愿意来这个网站。我绝不会说要“排除异己”来删他们的帖子,那样我也不配做版主。现在就因为只有我一个人在这里“呼哧呼哧”写帖子,才让读者们觉得我是在为BMO打广告。嗬嗬,我希望也鼓励有更多的朋友上来为别的银行“打广告”。因为这样,新来的留学生朋友和新移民才能最快的足不出户就能选到最好的银行产品。三,对于你提出的“No one want this column to be a Bank of Montreal free advertisement"一观点,我想知道,是你觉得我应该给该网站缴费才能写这么些帖子呢,还是我应该干脆就此停止,再也不应该写任何关于银行的帖子?因为我真得感到很shock,会有人觉得我不应该写这么有用的信息给大家。至今为止,我所得到的读者对我的帖子的反馈都是正面的,鼓励的。没想到给大家提供这么多的信息会引起负面影响。所以我也虚心向你请教,是否你觉得我这种做法有不当,需要改善?

再次,我帮助人的方式,就是在这里大大方方的给出我在银行的工作职位和联系方式,如果大家有问题,尽管找我,我只是尽我的能力,尽我所知,来回答你的问题,无论是银行上的,还是学习生活上的,从未曾对任何给我来电的朋友说“如果你不来找我开户,就别来烦我”。如果我只是就这样一下子给楼主扔出6,7个在加拿大的银行,然后说,你自己爱上哪家上哪家去吧,我想这并没有真得帮到楼主。楼主看了我写的帖子,至少至少知道了BMO Bank of Montreal有没有她想要的东西。


P.S.最后再补充一条我认为BMO SPC student mastercard好的地方。

SPC的参与商家来看,基本上已经包含了大多数留学生在加拿大会消费的所有地方,the bay,Zellers,和其他的各种品牌店。如果你在这些店里用BMO的SPC mastercard,都能拿到10-15%的即时discount。一般其他信用卡的cashback是多少?1%?3%?

给大家举个例子,你到Foot Locker买一双$100的运动鞋,你用BMO的SPC mastercard,即时省下了$15,如果你是airmiles rewards的话,积了2个点儿,如果你是cashback的话,还能再拿回$0.5。如果你用一张有3%的其他银行的信用卡的话,你能拿回的就是$3。一年下来,同样在这些店里消费,哪个更合算?

Lina Feng 冯莉娜
Financial Services Manager
Bank of Montreal Safeway Instore
1950 Foul Bay Road
Victoria, BC, V8R5A7

作者: linafeng    时间: 2008-8-28 22:23

To dailian11,

很同意你的说法,银行间的竞争是很大的,产品的种类和特色不会有很大的差别,主要是看你“舒不舒服”。我以前在某个帖子里曾经说过我的一个观点,“重要的不是看which bank you bank with, 而是whom you bank with”。我在BMO做了三年,接待过无数来自其他各大银行,要switch到我们银行来的客人。每个人都有自己在那些银行不愉快的银行经历,令到他们想move business to another bank。我想那些银行肯定也会接待过不少来自BMO的客人,说BMO如何如何的不好,要转到他们银行去的。其实这是一个很常见的现象。不是说那些银行的产品不好,只能说这些客人没有被银行好好地take care,而让他们觉得有被银行忽视或不被善待的不好感觉,所以他们才想换银行的。

在西方社会里,消费者们其实会更注重服务,如果他们能得到尊贵全面体贴的服务,他们不会介意A银行的银行月费比B银行贵5块钱,不会介意A银行的房屋贷款利率比B银行高0.5%。如果他们能找到真正take care他们账户的人的话,他们甚至会跟着那个personal banker从一家银行转到另一家银行。


Lina Feng 冯莉娜
Financial Services Manager
Bank of Montreal Safeway Instore
1950 Foul Bay Road
Victoria, BC, V8R5A7

作者: David989    时间: 2008-8-29 07:34

I agree with Rina and I also got some information from her even I am not the guest of BMO and her.
作者: yyyyy    时间: 2008-8-29 07:42

Come one! Is this really necessary, really? All these long paragraphs of bla bla bla. So, what do you want? Help BMO or save you face? You got both here. Congratulations!

BMO is really good at commerial lending which I have to agree. But the personal banking, come on, all the people in the industry know that it is not that good no matter how aggressive you guys are(I didn't say lousy, but as least not that good).  

By the way, to Lina, if you wanna get more commissions or better performance reward, how about transfer yourself to the lending or commerial banking. With your "outstanding" ability to bla, you will be way better off there.
作者: yyyyy    时间: 2008-8-29 07:46

I know I bs a lot. But all I do is to let know other choices. Unlike our parent's generation, all our teens or twenty something want to have choices. No matter what bank we choose, it is about who we are.

If you sit down and think why these banks give us this discount or that gift card or even ?% cash back, all they do is to make us spend more, spending money on things we don't even need to. And you know why, the VISA / Mastercard companies on average make 3 to 4% on every purchase of yours. And you know what this does? For everywhere that accept VISA / Mastercard, the price will be at least 3 to 4% more expensive than else where.

So, let's shop at China Town where only cash or debit card is accepted! Juuuuust kidding.
作者: linafeng    时间: 2008-8-29 08:08

To yyyyy,

嗯,真的是没什么好争辩的了。但是我很自信,我的“bla”是受到大多数读者的支持和感谢的,至少我每次写的文章和跟的帖子都是切切实实为提问者或大家提供了帮助。今天如果让大家从头到尾读你我在这里跟的帖子的话,大家心里自有一个定论。虽然你说no defend,但是我却觉得你从帖子一开始不正面的给大家解释为什么BMO的这个东西不好,到后面对我的一种酸溜溜的说法,让我的确觉得你是在对人不是在对事了。我不知道是什么引起你对我在这个网上写文章这么反感?嗬嗬,而且看来我应该在银行上班不领工资,才能来这里给大家写帖子。否则就要给人说,我是来这里骗客户赚钱了。

Lina Feng 冯莉娜
Financial Services Manager
Bank of Montreal Safeway Instore
1950 Foul Bay Road
Victoria, BC, V8R5A7

作者: yyyyy    时间: 2008-8-29 09:06

I didn't say "no defend", I said "nothing to offend", totally different meaning.
I think you are really pissed off. Hey, all I said is that BMO is not as good and it is not the only bank in town. There are others. Don't know why you are so angry.
I don't have to answer directly on why BMO's service or product is not good enough. It is up to other people to decide. Plus, who am I to judge. Canada is free of speech.
I didn't say you did not do a good job giving out banking info. You did do an outstanding job giving out banking info at BMO. That's all.
作者: yyyyy    时间: 2008-8-29 09:18

This column is called "投资理财", not "投资理财 at BMO". If someone takes the time to count how many times you mentioned "BMO" in your postings, people will be amazed, at least I will.
Hey, relax, this is just a bbs, not a professional playground where you make presentations. Don't get pissed off when social loafers like me bs here. I bet you have better work to do.
作者: airmiles    时间: 2008-8-29 09:37

LINDA is a warm-heart person to provide useful info to everybody who need help.
However, no matter what kind of financial service people asked,finally she made a conclusion that BMO is best. Definitely it can't be true, i think each bank has its own feature. BMO can't be the best all around. For me,i use Amex credit card,CIBC check account, Citizen saving account. I use my own way to save pennies.

as th BZ here, Linda shall provide broadly,not limited to BMO,otherwise people may think u just advertise you own bank.
作者: yyyyy    时间: 2008-8-29 10:05

There we go. That's all I meant, but maybe in a bs way.  And maybe what we need are people like airmiles who can give us neutral comments on the banking products, services, and their individual experience.
Maybe she does not know enough to give us a broader view. Nothing personal, it is just my two cents. I think it is up to all of us with difference point of views to make this column a better one.
作者: lmp0518    时间: 2008-8-29 15:27

I love BMO mosaik
作者: linafeng    时间: 2008-8-29 18:43

哎呀,其实呀,说了半天,我觉得真的是很冤枉。我都说了,这个网站是大家都有发言权的,现在就因为只有我一个人在这里写,就让人觉得这是bmo的专用网站,并且意图不轨。我在BMO上班,他们的产品我当然是最熟悉的,我不可能知道所有其他银行的产品,或用过所有他们的产品,然后来这里给大家上课。但是如果你知道的话,欢迎上来给大家提供信息。真正想给大家提供有用信息的人,就应该积极给大家说说哪家银行的产品好,怎么好,大家讨论。而不是现在抓着我这个现在唯一一个给网站写银行信息帖子的人来开刀。我们希望看到这个板块有百花齐放的未来,而不是现在就开始掐死第一个幼苗,这不是一个应有的良性循环,嗬嗬,我想我们这次的讨论,会真的吓到很多想上来像我一样写帖子的人,何苦呢,写了这么多,还吃力不讨好。并且,想写的人还千万别是在银行里的专业人士,否则更是会落的个“为个人利益”的罪名。我倒没有你说有piss off,或者angry,但是老实说,我的确是觉得心里不舒服,因为我觉得你没有给予别人的善意贡献一个基本的尊重和支持,而是一种酸溜溜的评价,给网站写帖子多了,给大家提供的信息多了,反倒错了。

我同意你说的“I think it is up to all of us with difference point of views to make this column a better one." 我更希望你自己能根据你自己的银行经历,上来给大家分享讨论说说你的银行怎么好,直接让大家都受惠,告诉大家省钱的捷径。我的确是知识面有限,但起码我已经是知无不言,言无不尽了。很抱歉如果大家觉得“投资理财”版主的职能是要不仅要写帖子,而且还要通晓各大银行的产品的话,我想我无法胜任。帖子是要大家写的,我在BMO工作,个人账户也在BMO,所以我擅长的只是写我日常在BMO工作中看到的一切。不难怪如果有人去数我写的帖子的话,会amaze 我提到BMO无数次,呵呵,老实说,我倒觉得满自豪的。因为这些是我对这个板块所作的所有贡献,大家有目共睹。不妨顺便数数这个板块一共有几个帖子,除了那些转贴的金融新闻帖子外,有几个是原创的,有几个又是我写的。我是个全职妈妈,儿子还不满两岁,我已经用了我大部分的业余时间来写我所知道的东西了,这也是我仅能为大家服务的,抱歉我没有更多的时间再去为大家搜罗所有银行的资料。大家只是上来扫两眼,看看别人辛苦写的帖子,就因为现在没人写些关于RBC,CIBC,TD等等的银行,反倒成了我这个写BMO的人的错了。其实如果看看我写的关于信用卡和房屋贷款比较的帖子,

我已经是站在中立的立场,并且已经尽力去找到所有银行的产品,并且给大家列了详细的对照表,介绍了不同的特色,从来没说过所有BMO的产品is the best。我不明白,难道大家没看到,还是怎么的。在我介绍的“我三张最喜欢的积分卡”一文里,我也是跟大家推荐我自己用来积分最多的是Amex。我真的希望你们能看完我写的东西在评论。

而且,我再重申,我在这里介绍的是我觉得BMO真的好的产品,就像这个SPC 学生信用卡,我们都在上面讨论过,我还真想说,难道我就给楼主介绍错了吗?每家银行都有学生信用卡,地球人都知道,但是哪种更受惠学生呢?如果大家知道有比这个更好的,是骡子是马,拉出来遛遛,这样才能给楼主提供信息。如果大家有看到我在这里天花乱坠的吹BMO的investment产品有多好多好,再说我有偏袒或给BMO做广告的嫌疑不迟。楼主看到我们讨论的过程,来了加拿大后,自然会作她自己的决定。

Lina Feng 冯莉娜
Financial Services Manager
Bank of Montreal Safeway Instore
1950 Foul Bay Road
Victoria, BC, V8R5A7

作者: youngone    时间: 2008-8-29 20:50

我很理解lina因为 术有专攻





作者: 麻辣烫    时间: 2008-8-29 22:20

公正地讲,Lina 是这个BBS里很热心并乐于帮助人的人.她在她的一些帖子里提到 Bank of Montreal,
可能有人看来有替 Bank of Montreal打广告的嫌疑,但也许也有人会觉得是条有用的信息.
作者: lloydli    时间: 2008-8-29 22:41

作者: 黄健翔    时间: 2008-8-29 22:42




作者: lloydli    时间: 2008-8-29 22:53

作者: vampire    时间: 2008-8-29 22:57

不要极尽刻薄之能事。她不但提供了很多银行的信息, 也提供了很多其他信息, 极大的丰富了我们的网站。 我想这里很多人都很爱她。
作者: yyyyy    时间: 2008-8-30 07:33

Obviously she's the boss here. Everybody "loves" her.
Hey, just open you mind, there's a lot to see in Canada. All the competitions bring us the free economy. To those who "loves" BMO or any of the banks, just have a look at the others. It might surprise you what you have missed. If your source of information is only from one party, you will lose your ability to judge.
And it is not like you are marriaged to the bank. And the more flexiblity you have when dealing with business, the more power you have as a consumer to bargain for the best. Don't let one business suck you in.
As banks might say that if you stay with them longer and be their full service client, or whatever,  they ll give you what they called the best products that "suits" you. Come on, if you are a smarty from a business school, you know it's all bullshiting, coz you know who they are and how they suck the $ out of you. Just keep in mind, the longer or "loyaler" you stick with one bank or any business, the less flexibility you have, and eventually, as a consumer, you lose what is the most important to you as a consumer in every business transaction - you ability to made your own decision.
No matter how nice people treats you in the world of business(I only mean business), there's always an incentive behind and a claw-back after all the gift-wrapped "genuineness". So, just don't be that naive.
Let's just wrap up this posting, last word:
To all those who always see the best side of people, just one quote from the Godfather: "Nothing personal, it is all business."

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