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标题: 美《国家地理》:科学家1年前就发出地震预警 [打印本页]

作者: Ailan    时间: 2008-5-19 07:13     标题: 美《国家地理》:科学家1年前就发出地震预警

    来自田纳西的孟菲斯大学的地震研究和信息中心的Micheal Ellis,同时也是这项研究的联合作者之一,表示“据我所知,这是对这些活跃断层的唯一调查。”

    “这次地震是西藏的山区向东边成都平原移动”,一位没有参与2007年7月报告的地质学家,科罗拉多大学的Roger Bilham说到。
    本文来自于美国的国家地理杂志National Geographic
    http://news.nationalgeographic.c ... uake-predicted.html
    Study Warned of China Quake Risk Nearly a Year Ago
    Kevin Holden Platt in Beijing
    for National Geographic News
    May 16, 2008
    Justten months before a deadly earthquake struck Sichuan Province'sBeichuan county on May 12, a scientific study warned that the Chineseregion was ripe for a major quake.
    After examiningsatellite images and conducting on-the-ground inspections of deep,active faults in Sichuan Province for more than a decade, scientistsissued a warning.
    China earthquake predicted (map)
    "Thefaults are sufficiently long to sustain a strong ground-shakingearthquake, making them potentially serious sources of regional seismichazard," the Chinese, European, and U.S. geoscientists wrote in themid-July 2007 edition of the journal Tectonics.
    They concluded that clashing tectonic forces were growing in Beichuan, ready to burst in an explosion of seismic energy.
    Withprecision and what now seems like eerie foresight, the researcherscharted the active faults on multicolored maps of Beichuan, whichturned out to be the epicenter of the recent earthquake.
    "Asfar as I know, this is the only investigation of these active faults,"said study co-author Michael Ellis of the Center for EarthquakeResearch and Information at the University of Memphis in Tennessee.
    (Related: "China Quake Delivered Seismic One-Two Punch" [May 15, 2008].)
    Themagnitude 7.9 quake that struck on May 12 almost entirely leveled partsof Sichuan Province. Chinese officials today estimated that the deathtoll would reach 50,000 and that nearly five million people arehomeless.
    (See photos of the earthquake's destruction.)
    "Locked in a Journal"
    Thereis little reason to believe Chinese officials were aware of the July2007 report, or that it would have made much difference if they hadbeen.
    "We had certainly identified the potential ofthese active faults," Ellis said. "But that information was effectivelylocked in an academic journal."
    Ellis hopes that replacing the collapsed buildings with earthquake-proof structures could prevent future tragedies.
    "I'vebeen to these little towns [before the quake]," Ellis said. "Most ofthe houses are built of unreinforced masonry, and you can see littlebrick factories all around this area.
    China earthquake predicted (map)
    "Itis more expensive to build earthquake-proof structures," he added. Andthe vast majority of people in Sichuan Province are anything but rich.
    The Science Behind the Quake
    Earthquake activity is nothing new in Beichuan.
    "Wehave shown evidence for surface-rupturing earthquakes along theBeichuan fault since 12,000-13,000 years ago," Ellis and colleaguesreported last summer.
    Speaking with National GeographicNews, Ellis said, "Ultimately, the [2008] earthquake is related to thecontinuing and inexorable collision of India with Asia, which isoccurring at a rate of about 20 to 22 milimeters [just under an inch]per year."
    This collision started more than 50 millionyears ago, when the tectonic plate beneath India crashed into theEurasian plate. (Watch how the plates slammed into each other.)
    "The Himalayas and all of Tibet was created by this collision," Ellis added.
    Asthe Indian plate continues its slow-motion crash into Asia—sometimes injerks marked by earthquakes—it is pushing the entire Tibetan Plateaunorthward.
    "This earthquake was the Tibetan mountainsmoving east over the plains of Chengdu [the capital of SichuanProvince]," said Roger Bilham, a geoscientist at the University ofColorado who was not involved in the July 2007 study.
    Not Just Sichuan's Problem
    Studyco-author Ellis said that, as the Tibetan Plateau moves northward, "theinterior parts of Tibet are collapsing, rather like a soufflé taken outof the oven into cold air."
    Faults along the southern,Himalayan edge of Tibet present hazards as great as those underlyingthe Sichuan temblor, Ellis said.
    "Risk associated withthe loss of collateral and lives is very high along the Himalaya,because so many people live there or immediately downstream," Ellisadded.
    "The risk is similarly high in Sichuan [to theeast], because of the population and, like India and Nepal, therelatively poor building standards," he said.
    And as India continues to pound into Tibet, "it is still creating new fault lines"—and new dangers.

作者: youngone    时间: 2008-5-19 12:23


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