房子位置在Shelbourne 和Mckenzie 的交界处,是1631 Mckenzie 公寓 。出租客厅,家具齐全,冷热水免费,share 电费和网费。房间位置在二楼朝里方向,安静且光线充足。门口有26路公车5分钟直达Uvic,步行10分钟到。附近有safeway, fairway, university heights, 还有27,28 直达downtown, 交通方便。房租325每月,最好是女生,5月份或6 月份 开始入住。
请联系我:ariel_0122@126.com作者: mychee 时间: 2007-4-14 23:53
I have a room available as well. Please click on the following link and you'll be able to see some pics and a description about the room. Available now and the rent is negotiable. Good luck with your search.