including gaming desktop, 24inch BenQ monitor, Razer Keyboard, Tt Mouse, Logitech Speaker, Logitech camera, Mic(everything a gaming desktop should have)
Was $3300(just pc+moniter), built in the Mother Computer store in Victoria in 2014
Now $1000, include all the stuff
PC can connect wifi
Here is the everything you need to play any video games.
If you want to play watch dog by excellent view, GTX 770 is a little weak. But if it is some old games by the year of 2011 2012 2013, GTX 770 is excellent.
or you can upgrade GTX770 to GTX 1060 1080 by yourself.
it is still very wise to buy my PC. You just need to change
I am going to go back to China for work, so I have to sell this PC
After you buy this PC, you can continue use this PC for at least 3 years to play most of games.
Really like it.
Really good gaming experience.
CPU i7-4770 3.40 GHz
C disk : 64G SSD
other EF disk : 1.1Tb 0.8Tb
Win 7 64 作者: xxsoul9 时间: 2017-3-15 00:49