
IT 俱乐部 - Second Golf Tournament

IT 俱乐部 - Second Golf Tournament

欢迎众网友参加,欢迎新手,欢迎高手。" S8 o$ y# e# v9 y/ t
May 15th Saturday afternoon 2:00pm
8 f% H  ]5 T9 J. }$ X$ u/ M
& R& u3 B( a) I, @/ u$ R  oSOnce again, the IT Group Golf Tournament will begin this Saturday. The weather is perfect for another round Golf!/ H- L. X1 ]! m/ U
This weekend May 15th Saturday afternoon 2:00pm, our IT group will have  Golf Tournament   9-Hole Par 3 at Henderson Park.
# E6 U# I. e" b2 N! A3 w $ j  F/ L- G, ~. n
Group Rate for 10 or more people: Adults $6.00, please bring changes. . R% t  G0 p1 ~! H4 ^) d

* F9 w8 B$ Y% W7 l0 d$ k If you want to join then please let us know so I can book in advance for this Saturday afternoon 2:00pm.
3 R& ^; t1 U- R & V" U! q: g, a! Y5 ~  A0 W

) B3 S! {! c$ t: ~( i  \# ~Please bring your clubs so we can share to use, # A% X6 `6 W$ L# M' f
  if you want to rent from Henderson park then . F8 ^1 f7 u. m# X5 ?& ]
Club Rentals: $1.40/club or set of 3/$3.50 • ID required to rent6 M$ e( [& g$ i7 V7 k2 C
Golf balls available for sale: $1.80 each or 4 for $6.75 from Henderson Park.
; g/ X" h; Z5 c' A, F: t3 V7 W/ c+ ]- R3 _0 J; @+ m
Also Grant will provide golf balls for play for free, and if you want to buy from him, it's 4 for $1. You can buy as many as you want.* l" R, @$ ?& ]1 W8 L/ j& J

; f4 b" W. ~5 P& e
' b. j- J6 L; ^8 Ohttp://recreation.oakbaybc.org/pdfs/golf_spring_flyer.pdf5 a; J  k% a6 y5 @* _. ^6 O* Z. k
. C7 d1 f( v& V+ n  b+ z7 l
We still have tickets from last year for :
) \0 _0 G" r; a) c# y' dJiaxu (2)9 I1 ]( S( B* D. e, k; z4 P! I
Lin Bin(2)& l7 Z: I9 S* b3 ]2 }4 @4 _4 ?
Yu jian Guo (2)4 b: b4 l- l5 b* p- }) L
Zhang ShiBing (2)2 H( o) W$ ?; z' @& @
Liu ShiJun (2)4 F0 B* [. Q# W8 c; m
San WenCheng(2)
! W$ _( S8 ?! ?: b% lChen Jin Zheng (2): \$ ?4 Y( g" m( {0 n( H  p: }
James(1)) }. w5 c8 a/ k: N# V
Tony(1): R3 o+ v, w8 W5 z4 S
Wang Yuong Jun (1)" y  g" B) c3 _: |7 J
5 V. }7 I) C. V) m0 N
2291 Cedar Hill X Road,  right beside our EBC Church. We'll meet at golf practice net at Henderson Park 2:00pm.8 a3 \& m3 A# s/ o) `  l# R
We'll meet at around golf practice net at Henderson Park.* Z2 V% y* o7 l7 e2 }6 K: Q# E; C
http://www.oakbaybc.org/parks/hender.htm7 T- i- _. G: ^2 p  V* C
  J; K0 {3 C, `3 Y$ T
欢迎大家加入维多利亚 IT 俱乐部:  Currently over 100 members.5 v; w, ?/ {* `5 d3 `4 b4 ]# G. u. M+ |7 q; e7 P
维多利亚 华人论坛 华人网  租房,买卖,生活 信息& T% I0 J" D  i2 C9 a7 D+ _" m# A+ l9 U6 m+ y4 U& B


I am going to defend my title, so please bring your best


