
[IT Club讲座]A special IT Seminar - July 19

[IT Club讲座]A special IT Seminar - July 19

Presented by:  Oliver Ding
9 I* r6 h3 D! SCurrently he is CEO of 3One Networks Inc. One of high tech company in US/Canada.) Y/ }5 j) b/ |6 O8 F
9 l  l' l' ?0 b/ B+ B; G0 C. {
This Saturday 3:30pm, we have a special IT Seminar:$ e) Q# `+ J; Q9 n6 V6 c7 y# H
Mr Ding was graduated from FuDan University and got MBA from University of Western Ontario.   U8 W4 [; y, q5 C& O* _
He has been in many financial /IT management positions in US, HongKong, Japan  o) V0 t9 m0 |: v" e8 w
and Canada for around 20 years.6 `0 p  W0 C) \$ n2 Y, \+ Y
Currently he is CEO of 3One Networks Inc. One of high tech company in US/Canada.
- u1 K" i6 i$ u8 H5 QTopic involved IT company and career experiences.
0 K9 W4 g# L* M1 yYou're very welcome to join our seminar and it's good opportunity to share experiences and build network.
" ~5 h, Y# q- ^* C$ a9 Z  x
$ E6 }0 v! ^( ^8 o* K3 ^0 h8 CPlease come at 3:30pm this Saturday July 18th.7 k1 J7 `+ L6 W, d3 d! r! T

: t8 ?% A/ Z) T% P欢迎大家都来聚一聚,聊一聊。
: E. G4 v+ v- G: s* O9 e: l+ N& R$ Q: I1 z5 `  I- i  i
    老时间,老地点,本周六 3:30PM
7 {. i* x: w. ^6 ]" _' j9 d- f' |& A  a* a; @. j6 I/ q
Place: 2121 Cedar Hill Cross Road, Emmanuel Baptist Church Second Floor (Turn left then up to second floor after in) .  1 R; h9 C3 I& Z7 y( E
" t+ C- L3 H8 I8 h( s维多利亚 华人论坛 华人网. 维多利亚大学, 维多利亚 租房,买卖,生活 信息5 r/ M, n7 ]0 ?/ O7 Q# L  a& V/ x1 D1 W, F
欢迎大家加入维多利亚 IT 俱乐部:  Currently 90 members.5 v; w, ?/ {* `5 d3 `4 b4 ]
; P/ A( W( b7 t. L' j. X维多利亚 华人论坛 华人网  租房,买卖,生活 信息& T% I0 J" D  i2 C0 j% q7 }: o- Y2 Y4 [% o: K7 O


% }1 Q# {" H+ D
- |9 j$ X- U6 S' eEveryone is welcome.....Mr Ding is also a golf expert..


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