
中国留学生为百元伤人被驱逐 永拒入境


Chinese student jailed, ordered deported

Pleads guilty to assault at realty office over $100 money order


A Chinese student who assaulted a Victoria businesswoman last month will remain in jail until he is deported and returned to his homeland.
Fei Gao, 25, pleaded guilty Monday to the aggravated assault of Lois Hayes, manager of Newport Realty Property Management on Nov. 17. Judge Robert Higinbotham called Gao a risk to the public and described the assault as vicious, unprovoked and unwarranted. He sentenced Gao to three months in jail to give immigration officials enough time to arrange his deportation to China.
In the prisoner's box, Gao bowed deeply several times and told Hayes he was sorry for what he'd done.
Crown prosecutor Catherine Murray told the court Gao came to Canada several years ago on a student visa and studied business at Camosun College. About 18 months ago, he stopped going to school, but did not tell his parents. They continued to send him money.
In the meantime, Gao became addicted to gambling and was desperate for money, said Murray.
On Nov. 17, Gao found a five-year-old money order in his belongings. It was a $100 deposit for a rental on an apartment he had tried to get, said Murray.
Gao went to the bank to try and cash it, but it had expired. He went to Newport Realty and asked Hayes for $100 to replace the dated cheque.
When she said they couldn't replace it, Gao became angry and started swearing at her, said Murray. In front of a number of employees, Gao punched her in the face breaking her nose and injuring her eye, said Murray. At first, doctors feared she had a detached retina.
Gao ran out the door but was arrested almost immediately by Victoria police and taken to the police station. He has been in custody since the assault. His student visa expired Nov. 30.
Defence lawyer Roger Batchelor said his client is remorseful and feels ashamed of his actions. Gao has never been in trouble before and is consenting to be deported. With this criminal conviction on his record, he will not be able to return to Canada or the U.S.
Hayes filed a victim impact statement describing how the assault has affected her and other employees.
"It has had a huge emotional impact on her," said Murray. "She has nightmares about him coming after her. It has affected every aspect of her life."

Read more:http://www.timescolonist.com/news/Chinese+student+jailed+ordered+deported/3937819/story.html#ixzz17ar3eKcV

