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标题: [原创] 尼克松和基辛格 读后感 (英文) [打印本页]

作者: linhuadance    时间: 2014-6-27 11:09     标题: [原创] 尼克松和基辛格 读后感 (英文)

I have been reading Robert Dallek's "Nixon and Kissinger: Partners in Power" over breakfasts the last little while. (Thank you, my daughter, for the most thoughtful Christmas gift!)

Nixon and Kissinger have always had a special place in my respect for politicians. As with most books and articles on Nixon and/or Kissinger, this book is not a very flattery account of them. In spite of that and in spite of Watergate, which I learned in finer detail mostly from Katherine Graham's (the late Washington Post’s president and owner) autobiography "Personal History", it was Nixon and Kissinger who came to China extending a peaceful olive branch in the early 1970s, and it was them who ended 25 years' post-WWII hostility between China and the US. To accomplish these at a time when the anti-communism/China political sentiment was rampant, it not only took piercing vision, but it also took guts, courage, and intelligence.

To me, the end to the Sino-American hostility was one of the most, if not the most, significant event in post-war history; it has had a far-reaching positive impact on world peace, and its grand positive significance for world peace is still unfolding. For China, it paved the way for the “open-door” foreign policy that Deng Xiaoping implemented in the 1980s and early 1990s. And to me personally, that event is responsible, albeit indirectly, for me and my family to be here in Canada, to live a comfortable and peaceful life today.

by Lin Hua 林华 originally posted on Lin Hua Dance Facebook on April 23, 2014

作者: linhuadance    时间: 2014-6-27 11:12

图片附件: nixson and kissinger.jpg (2014-6-27 11:12, 144.37 KB) / 该附件被下载次数 18

作者: MrGrant    时间: 2014-6-27 12:38

作者: linhuadance    时间: 2014-6-28 15:39

原帖由 aman 于 2014-6-27 22:51 发表
和林老师学硬文 ...
作者: 一笑    时间: 2014-6-28 17:40     标题: We are non-native speakers, haha, This is my version based on Mr. Aman--

Just for fun:

作者: linhuadance    时间: 2014-6-28 20:13

本来只是想表达一下我对尼克松和基辛格看法,看来 aman 和一笑都想借此机会大家一起来提高一下英文。也好。只是事先先说明,我的时间极其有限,不可能参加太多的讨论,在这里先说声抱歉。

有一点我想先澄清的是,我写的不是 formal 的学术论文,是自己的感受,是带有自己的感情色彩的 casual 写作,所以个别地方会与无痛无痒的 formal 写法有出入。比如,“In spite of that and in spite of Watergate” 在简约严谨的 formal 写作中一般应该用 "In spite of that and Watergate" (注:在这个短语里我是不会用 "even" 的),但是这个 formal 格式不符合我想“发泄”的*无论如何*的感受,所以我要重复 “in spite of" 。

作者: 一笑    时间: 2014-6-28 23:49     标题: 哈哈,林教授,鄙人只是想

跟aman先生开个玩笑,并无挑刺的意思。大家都非“native speakers", 不必认真。鄙人现在就把那帖子删了。

作者: linhuadance    时间: 2014-6-29 04:17     标题: 回复 9# 的帖子


假如继续商讨,建议一次就讨论一个句子,否则容易事倍功半,什么也搞不清。aman 您是不是起个头,找个句子来敲打敲打?


作者: 一笑    时间: 2014-6-29 08:02     标题: 我来竖个靶子,还谈尼克松,嘻嘻,请林教授不吝指教——

Nixon gave a famous remark when he was mounting the Great Wall during his visit to Beijing, China, 1972, which is, “The Great Wall IS the great wall!” This was really a one hundred percent correct baloney, teased a western journalist.
作者: linhuadance    时间: 2014-6-29 09:24


1、make a remark 应该比 give a remark 好。(One makes a remark, gives a talk, and makes/gives a speech.)

2、修饰 remark 的 which is ... 从句应该紧跟 remark.

3、This was really a one hundred percent correct baloney 应该裹在“”括号里。

作者: 新路上手    时间: 2014-6-29 11:22

掐得好好的,又被你的乾隆金戒指给毁了。。What is your memo?

原帖由 aman 于 2014-6-29 09:56 发表
林老师不要生气, 我们都是来玩的,认真地说我们的英语都是从书上学的,最多是
Academic English Style , 您的是 English literature Style , close to real and daily life.

跟贴回贴说明大家能玩到一起,那是缘 ...

作者: freedom_2008    时间: 2014-6-29 13:12     标题: 回复 15# 的帖子

If it was about your boss, then it was probably more to do with what you wrote than how you wrote it that failed you.  

Note: I disliked my last boss so much that I refused to talk or report to him (i.e. I "fired" him) before I left for LOA.
作者: freedom_2008    时间: 2014-6-29 13:36     标题: 回复 1# 的帖子

林老师,我叫是native又爱读书的另一半看了,说你写的英文很好,非常接近native speaker了。 别人(包括做梦时说英文的freedom_2008)写的,删了的看不见,看得见的 no comment。

我也看过一些有关尼克松和基辛格的文章和影视,个人感觉还是比较求实的。 政客都是政客,只不过谁更肮脏而已。

同意你说的,我们这些普通学生在八十年代中期能被放出天朝来是当时改革开放的结果。但是当时很多人能在加拿大留下来,虽然有个人奋斗的成分,我觉得还是更要感谢(大概已经不在了的)Tank Man Wang Weilin。 所以我在今年的那一天选择了沉默。 你懂的。
作者: freedom_2008    时间: 2014-6-29 15:15

原帖由 aman 于 2014-6-29 13:59 发表
just a writing test as a part of the interview. I didn't know who would be my boss.
I knew.  I was just kidding.   
作者: 一笑    时间: 2014-6-29 15:41     标题: 受教了——

原帖由 linhuadance 于 2014-6-29 09:24 发表

1、make a remark 应该比 give a remark 好。(One makes a remark, gives a talk, and makes/gives a speech.)

2、修饰 remark 的 which is ... 从句应该紧跟 r ...
作者: 新路上手    时间: 2014-6-29 22:03


图片附件: hao.png (2014-6-29 22:03, 38.62 KB) / 该附件被下载次数 35

作者: 一笑    时间: 2014-6-29 22:21     标题: 再请教这一段——

Pearl Buck had hoped, as a journalist to accompany Nixon on his trip to Beijing meeting Mao in one of the century’s most famous handshakes. This was a desperate idea at her seventy-nine years old. She was not equipped to spend a week fighting for space in a press plane and scrambling from one interview to another. Nonetheless, the scheme demonstrated how badly she wanted to visit China. She appealed personally to President Nixon and wrote to several members of the Nixon White House. She wrote to Zhou Enlai, who sent her a terse and brutal message – she was refused to visit China.
作者: linhuadance    时间: 2014-6-30 00:34

原帖由 一笑 于 2014-6-29 22:21 发表
Pearl Buck had hoped, as a journalist to accompany Nixon on his trip to Beijing meeting Mao in one of the century’s most famous handshakes.  

1、meeting 我会用 to meet。Pearl Buck had hoped to meet Mao.... 感觉比 Pearl Buck had hoped meeting Mao 要地道。

2、Beijng 后加一个逗号能更清楚标明 as a journalist to accompany Nixon on his trip to Beijing 是一个插入成分

3、不太清楚介词 in 是否可以跟 handshakes 搭配构成这个介词短语 in handshakes;感觉这个搭配比较怪。

4、根据您后面的意思,好像 as a journalist 这个介词短语位置不对,因为那好像是说 Pearl Buck 已经是随团记者了。假如她还不是,as a journalist 应该放在 accompany 后面 (Pearl Buck had hoped to accompany Nixon as a journalist on his trip to Beijing to meet...). 两者区别在于: 在前面的位置它修饰动词 hope, 在后面的位置它修饰动词 accompany.
作者: linhuadance    时间: 2014-6-30 00:36

原帖由 aman 于 2014-6-29 09:56 发表
跟贴回贴说明大家能玩到一起,那是缘 ...
作者: linhuadance    时间: 2014-6-30 00:53

原帖由 freedom_2008 于 2014-6-29 13:36 发表
同意你说的,我们这些普通学生在八十年代中期能被放出天朝来是当时改革开放的结果。但是当时很多人能在加拿大留下来,虽然有个人奋斗的成分,我觉得还是更要感谢(大概已经不在了的)Tank Man Wang Weilin。 所以我在今年的那一天选择了沉默。 你懂的。
作者: 一笑    时间: 2014-6-30 18:41     标题: 感谢教授耐心指导——

原帖由 linhuadance 于 2014-6-30 00:34 发表


1、meeting 我会用 to meet。Pearl Buck had hoped to meet Mao.... 感觉比 Pearl Buck had hoped meeting Mao 要地道。

2、Beijng 后加一个逗号能更清楚标明 as a journalist to  ...
124同意。3商榷:handshakes 等同于 the moments of handshakes, 用in不怪。
作者: 一笑    时间: 2014-6-30 18:44     标题: 哈,——

原帖由 aman 于 2014-6-30 09:51 发表
作者: 一笑    时间: 2014-6-30 19:02     标题: 再请教这段——

Kissinger said Mao defined purity based on different premises than the Westerners. He pointed out that Chinese attitude to Mao is more complex and they appreciate that Mao united the Chinese people. He believed that there are now people in China who look at Mao’s polices as something that might have had some significance, even as it went too far.
作者: 一笑    时间: 2014-6-30 22:05     标题: 谁说不信——

原帖由 aman 于 2014-6-30 19:35 发表
作者: linhuadance    时间: 2014-6-30 23:49

原帖由 一笑 于 2014-6-30 19:02 发表 Kissinger said Mao defined purity based on different premises than the Westerners. He pointed out that Chinese attitude to Mao is more complex and they appreciate that Mao united the Chinese people. He believed that there are now people in China who look at Mao’s policies as something that might have had some significance, even as it went too far.
有下面几个 comments:

1、Chinese attitude 前应该加一个定冠词:the Chinese attitude

2、上面4个我加了底线的动词和主句中动词时态不一致,这会有争议, 而争议源于两个规则的碰撞:



3、even as … 应为 even if …

4、it went too far: 粗心错误, 应该是  they went too far. (they 和 policies 相呼应)

作者: linhuadance    时间: 2014-7-1 00:09     标题: 回复 29# 的帖子

原帖由 一笑 于 2014-6-30 18:41 发表 124同意。3商榷:handshakes 等同于 the moments of handshakes, 用in不怪。
对不起,"meet someone in handshakes",读来读去,我还是不能接受;换其他的动词也许可以。我保留我的意见。
作者: linhuadance    时间: 2014-7-1 00:14

原帖由 aman 于 2014-6-30 09:57 发表
作者: freedom_2008    时间: 2014-7-1 06:54

原帖由 linhuadance 于 2014-7-1 00:09 发表

对不起,"meet someone in handshakes",读来读去,我还是不能接受;换其他的动词也许可以。我保留我的意见。
It was copied directly from Peal Buck's book:

And the source for the other one:

个人感觉语言这个东东即深奥又灵活。以我们的第一语言为例,就是一辈子只说/写中文的人,还是有词不达意说不对的时候;即使能把事情说对的,也不一定能说得清楚;能说得清楚的,不一定能说得很好;就是能说得好的,对一件事儿也可以有多种用词说法,没有最好,只有更好。 中文如此,其他语言也应该是类似的。

不过抛开嚼字,个人觉得最好摘抄时还是不要改变意思为好,特别在是引用原话的时候。For example, when #31 took out "Cultural Revolution" in his change of the original source,  not only it created some English errors as pointed out by professor Lin, it also changed the meaning of Kissinger's words.


作者: linhuadance    时间: 2014-7-1 08:41     标题: 回复 37# 的帖子

Re:  (德国)明镜周刊2011年基辛格采访录

Wow, fascinating! I mean the interview, which I have just read over breakfast. Kissinger made some extremely brilliant points. At 88, his mind was still sharp as ever. Very impressive! I'd like to share the following remark he made which I am sure you'd all agree with me is simply brilliant:

Kissinger: The Chinese are often described as a "rising power." But they do not think of themselves as a rising power because, for 18 of the last 20 centuries, their GDP was the largest in the world. They perceive the past century and a half as an aberration and humiliation.

Thank you, freedom_2008, for digging this interview up.
And my hats off to you for your meticulous research and relentless search for truth!
作者: 新路上手    时间: 2014-7-1 09:23

原帖由 freedom_2008 于 2014-7-1 06:54 发表

It was copied directly from Peal Buck's book:

And the source for the other one:

个人感觉语言这个东东即深奥又灵活。以我们的第一语言为例,就 ...

作者: 一笑    时间: 2014-7-1 10:02     标题: 哈哈——

作者: 一笑    时间: 2014-7-1 10:12

原帖由 freedom_2008 于 2014-7-1 06:54 发表

It was copied directly from Peal Buck's book:

And the source for the other one:

个人感觉语言这个东东即深奥又灵活。以我们的第一语言为例,就 ...

不过抛开嚼字,个人觉得最好摘抄时还是不要改变意思为好,特别在是引用原话的时候。For example, when #31 took out "Cultural Revolution" in his change of the original source,  not only it created some English errors as pointed out by professor Lin, it also changed the meaning of Kissinger's words.
请教Freedom_2008: 选摘文改变了原文的什么意思?

Kissinger: Mao's definition of purity was based on different premises than the West's. He inflicted monstrous suffering on the Chinese people. But I am just pointing out that the Chinese attitude is more complex. They appreciate that he united the Chinese people.
SPIEGEL: Are the Chinese beginning to think that perhaps Mao was onto something?
Kissinger: The generation of China's former leader Deng Xiaoping (who ruled in the 1980s and 1990s) considered the Cultural Revolution an unmitigated disaster. I believe it to be a huge disaster, too. But there are now people in China who look at the policies launched by Mao as something that might have had some significance, even as it went too far.


Kissinger said Mao defined purity based on differentpremises than the Westerners. He pointed out that Chinese attitude to Mao ismore complex and they appreciate that Mao united the Chinese people. Hebelieved that there are now people in China who look at Mao’s polices assomething that might have had some significance, even as it went too far.

作者: 一笑    时间: 2014-7-1 10:19     标题: 原文在此——

Kissinger said Mao defined purity based on differentpremises than the Westerners. He pointed out that Chinese attitude to Mao ismore complex and they appreciate that Mao united the Chinese people. Hebelieved that there are now people in China who look at Mao’s polices assomething that might have had some significance, even as it went too far.

作者: freedom_2008    时间: 2014-7-1 10:29



作者: MrGrant    时间: 2014-7-1 12:54

作者: 新路上手    时间: 2014-7-1 14:42

刚从喜庆的红白国庆里回来。MrGrant 师从哪位?
原帖由 MrGrant 于 2014-7-1 12:54 发表

作者: 一笑    时间: 2014-7-1 16:58

原帖由 freedom_2008 于  2014-7-1 06:54 发表
不过抛开嚼字,个人觉得最好摘抄时还是不要改变意思为好,特别在是引用原话的时候。For example, when #31 took out "Cultural Revolution" in his change of the original source,  not only it created some English errors as pointed out by professor Lin, it also changed the meaning of Kissinger's words.
原帖由 freedom_2008 于 2014-7-1 10:29 发表




2、本人并没有offer赠书给您,而是给其他网友,请勿自作多情。本人期待您做的是对您的话“ it also changed the meaning of Kissinger's words”作出辩白或道歉。

作者: 新路上手    时间: 2014-7-1 17:24


原帖由 一笑 于 2014-7-1 16:58 发表


1、本人对自己的英文 ...

作者: freedom_2008    时间: 2014-7-1 18:33     标题: 回复“一笑”46#


Kissinger: Mao's definition of purity was based on different premises than the West's. He inflicted monstrous suffering on the Chinese people. But I am just pointing out that the Chinese attitude is more complex. They appreciate that he united the Chinese people.
SPIEGEL: Are the Chinese beginning to think that perhaps Mao was onto something?
Kissinger: The generation of China's former leader Deng Xiaoping (who ruled in the 1980s and 1990s) considered the Cultural Revolution an unmitigated disaster. I believe it to be a huge disaster, too. But there are now people in China who look at the policies launched by Mao as something that might have had some significance, even as it went too far.

(基辛格的原话是在记者问到老毛(要是还在的话)会怎么看现代中国后说的。 他说老毛更重视他理想中中国的纯洁性,远高于中国经济恢复。记者接着让基辛格解释为什么把老毛和纯洁扯在一起)。 基辛格说老毛的(所谓)纯洁和西方概念不同,老毛很残酷地摧残了中国人民。他说虽然如此(但是)我要指出中国人对老毛的态度是很复杂的,他们认为老毛有统一中国的功劳。 他又举了文革做例子,说邓小平等一代人认为文革完全是个错误(灾难),说他自己也认为是个大灾难,但是现在中国有人认为老毛当时实施的政策可能还是有一定意义的,即使文革(it)是搞得太过分了。

Kissinger said Mao defined purity based on different premises than the Westerners. He pointed out that Chinese attitude to Mao is more complex and they appreciate that Mao united the Chinese people. He believed that there are now people in China who look at Mao’s polices as something that might have had some significance, even as it went too far.

基辛格说老毛定义的纯洁和西方人概念不同, 他指出中国人对老毛的态度是很复杂的,他们认为老毛有统一中国的功劳。他相信现在中国有人认为老毛的政策可能还是有一定意义的,即使它(不知道你指的是什么它?)搞得太过分了。

相比之下,你只留下来基辛格说的(一些)中国人对老毛的态度,把基辛格提到这些态度前后所说的环境和事实:老毛摧残人民和文革的例子都去掉了(见上面明镜英文原文里加了重的句子);你还把基辛格原话里指的老毛在文革时实施的政策改成了没有任何时间背景的老毛政策,却留下了无家可归的 it (原文里指的文革)。 你这样的改法,除了造成(林老师已经指出的)语法错误外,难道不是变了基辛格原话的意思了吗?

本人虽然生性直爽,但在网上发言,不管是中英文网站,选择认真或马虎都是有原因的。至于我为什么开始时认真呢,是因为你不断贴出这些改编了一半的句子,我好奇地谷了一下,很快看见了原文出处,觉得这样做下去是在浪费林老师(我和林老师87年在这里上研时就认识了)和别的网友们的时间,不说出来不公平。 为什么后来没和你多解释呢,是因为觉得如果你的英文水平(真像你自己说的那样)还可以的话,你这样摘/抄/改/贴应该是事出有因,你也应该明白你的抄改和原文的区别,根本不需要我再做任何解释

这样其实也给了你个台阶。但你在46#里引用我回你的帖子时,把我帖子里的笑脸忘掉了)。 看了46#, 才知道你好像是真的(不知道原文和你抄改的区别),所以就认真地花时间在上面做了回答。 只此而已。

注1:我的另一半其本不会中文(除了“你好,再见”几词外),他也是这样自认(不会中文)。  我告诉了他你说你的英文水平可以给他改英文作业,他说他也可以帮你改改你的中文作业。 我知道你们俩儿谁也改不了谁的作业,但是我明白是谁在开玩笑谁在真吹牛谁在生气了。

注2: 另一半以前上班时的小组里一大半同事都是外国来的移民,其中也有一些(有硕士博士学位的)华人。 他们全都找过另一半帮他们改英文,不仅因为另一半文字严谨特有耐心,更因为另一半理解他们,总是说自己的中文/波兰文/。。。比同事的英文要差远了。 有人有半罐子料喜欢再加点儿水摆出来一罐子(所以稀松常有漏洞);有人有半罐子料知道自己的局限只拿出来最有把握的那四分之一(所以实在比较靠谱),没有什么对错,人和人不同而已。
作者: freedom_2008    时间: 2014-7-2 11:47

原帖由 aman 于 2014-7-2 10:29 发表
大姐, 都怪我玩笑开大了, 对不起了
aman,  我明白你的,没事儿。

作者: linhuadance    时间: 2014-7-4 11:15


1、同意 aman #49帖说法,都是 aman 惹的,都是因为 aman 您胆大妄为地修改了我的文章!!

2、freedom_2008: 您一如既往地热诚和严谨是我治学的楷模!同时也感谢您的厚爱!



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