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标题: 请避免当地红十字捐款,领事馆已开通赈灾捐款帐号,确保每一分钱到达灾民手中! [打印本页]

作者: jade    时间: 2008-5-15 16:06     标题: 请避免当地红十字捐款,领事馆已开通赈灾捐款帐号,确保每一分钱到达灾民手中!


帐户名:Consulate General of the People's Republic of China in Vancouver
总领馆地址:3380 Granville Street, Vancouver B.C., V6H 3K3


开户行:Bank of China (Canada), Vancouver Branch
开户行地址:1025 Dunsmuir Street, Vancouver B.C., V7X 1L3
捐款时,请在支票备注栏注明:地震赈灾 Earthquake Relief Donation


作者: jade    时间: 2008-5-15 16:25





(1)国外的红十字会会RESERVE 20%-30% for the management fee,他们的CEO年薪65W。


(3)最重要的是,按照传统,美加红十字会很可能会捐物,八成会跟特约供货商买200美元一条made inchina的帐篷,而这帐篷在Warmart卖150,从中国进口时可能100美元。你的捐款实际进了美国海关,一级批发商,二级批发商。。。的手里。这样最后到中国的EFFICIENCY是多少?而且运东西比汇钱慢多了,等他们东西到中国又多久过去了,运输费都很多钱。中国物资充足,收钱最合适。看这个就略知一二了:

(4)in US, canada,usually only 10% denotation go to the may use chinese red cross,SVTN. they are committing 100%usage.



作者: jade    时间: 2008-5-15 18:24

ZT Canadian Red Cross 向中国地震捐款已经到达限额


"Should donations supporting a specific Red Cross disaster reliefeffort surpass the amount required, the remainder will be directed asfollows:

Donations exceeding that required by Red Cross to respond to aspecific Canadian disaster will be directed to the Canadian DisasterRelief Fund - a fund that provides support to people affected by futuredomestic disasters.

Donations exceeding that required by Red Cross to respond to aspecific International disaster will be directed to the InternationalDisaster Relief Fund - a fund that provides support to people affectedby future international disasters.
作者: lloydli    时间: 2008-5-15 22:27

问个弱智的问题,是不是在pay to 里面写 Consulate General of the People's Republic of China in Vancouver 就行了。笑我是应该的,来加拿大很久才买了支票,而且都是老婆在添,我只是事事的签个名。
作者: jade    时间: 2008-5-15 23:55

对,就是PAY TO后面写就可以了,在MEMO注明:地震赈灾 Earthquake Relief Donation 然后邮寄过去就可以了,上面温哥华总领事馆网址 上有邮寄地址和详细说明。
作者: lloydli    时间: 2008-5-16 11:50

作者: wec080    时间: 2008-5-16 12:54     标题: This is not the time to spread rumors…

I called the Canadian Red Cross head office just now. They don’t have a list of companies that has an on-going matching gift program. But here is the good news. She did tell me that the Canadian government would match the donations for both China earthquake and the Burma cyclone. So far the total of the fund raised for China Earthquake is $1 million (which becomes $2 million with the match).

2。印尼海啸的200M剩余捐款不会被用到任何其他地方。总数为360M的捐款将用于5-10年的受灾地区重建,由加拿大红十字会的人员在当地参加工程管理,雇用当地员工来完成这些项目。- 他们会给我发对那片报道的回应文章,我收到之后就贴上来。
3。加拿大红十字会的行政管理费用在15%以下,大型项目的行政费用会更加低。 - 我也要求他们给我提供证明材料了,收到后会贴出来。

Hi xxx,
The International Federation of the Red Cross Red Crescent, of which both the Canadian Red Cross and the Chinese Society of Red Cross are members, put out an initial appeal for $20 million early this morning after Chinese Red Cross assessment teams had returned their reports of the situation on the ground as they saw it. The Canadian Red Cross made an immediate initial contribution to that appeal of the donation money weve received of $400,000 this morning. As further donations are processed from the Canadian public, further contributions will be made.
The decision to send troops is one that must be made between the two governments and would not involve the Red Cross.
The Canadian Red Cross is an independent organization and as such, we will provide whatever support is asked of us by our sister society in China or the Federation.
Best Regards,
Christina Lopes
Hello xxx, and thank you again for your call earlier today.
Im pleased you can help get the word out about the Red Cross response in China.
Attached is the response we wrote in response to the Toronto Star article on the tsunami funds which was very inaccurate and one-sided.
Some general messages you may find helpful regarding the China response:
1. Funds will support the response in China. The Canadian Red Cross is accepting funds to meet the immediate relief and long-term recovery needs of earthquake survivors in China. Should donations supporting this Red Cross disaster relief and recovery effort meet the amount required, the Canadian Red Cross will cease collecting donations for the response and will communicate this information immediately to the public.
2. Administrative costs will not exceed 15%. There have been reports and donor concerns about figures as high as 50%, which is simply not the case. As always, we hold our fundraising and communication costs to a maximum of 15%.
3. The Red Cross is an excellent choice for channelling donations. The Red Cross Society of China was active immediately after the earthquake, providing rapid assistance to people in need. It is through the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement that we are able to provide assistance to multiple disasters in multiple locations around the world - from here at home in New Brunswick following severe flooding, to Myanmar and China. The Movement is well prepared to respond locally and engages the help of other National Societies when needed. This is one of our greatest strengths as an organization.
4. The Canadian Red Cross honours the intent of its donors and is fully transparent in accounting for all dollars received and spent. The trust the Canadian public has put in the Canadian Red Cross to quickly support the China relief effort is well placed.
5. The Canadian Red Cross has an ongoing project in the quake-affected Sichuan province, to educate the public about HIV/AIDS. We have been in touch with our colleagues there to ensure that all are safe.
Colleen Lavender
A/Director, National Public Affairs
Canadian Red Cross
作者: sungang    时间: 2008-5-16 14:46     标题: 一定要通过加拿大红十字会捐款!

作者: jade    时间: 2008-5-17 00:28

作者: David989    时间: 2008-5-17 09:16

想通过网上捐款,但 既然打不开,有办法吗????
作者: David989    时间: 2008-5-17 09:18

可以了,  thanks

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