
欢迎参加10th Annual Fun In The Park Picnic

欢迎参加10th Annual Fun In The Park Picnic

We would like to invite you to the Quadra Cedar Hill Community Association & Bank of Montreal (Cook and Quardar) Picnic!8 p, l  S. B  K$ o5 J  |

* L- h4 @5 N' D  q' \- DSUNDAY JULY 12TH 12:00 -3:00PM (activities begin at noon)
& V, t0 E8 D1 W( n! e; y7 h
, Y0 m, a' q5 N! e, _PLAYFAIR PARK - ROCK STREET (OFF QUADRA STREET)% i' V# c+ v4 H( \

8 w5 ]! W. a+ T2 V& vGames---Food(by donation)---Music by Mile Zero and Peter Bourne---Clowns---Bouncing Castle
0 s1 s% Q. E9 h8 [: f. G5 x. a9 `1 B! D* V

* W9 z) [" V3 }9 ]2 ^8 W4 ]+ Z! K***Please bring your own lawn chairs***

7 H' @/ f( x# C% f# u) I: s# _6 j2 P4 E% r/ t' e1 K3 x
+ T" g6 i5 ^! `& M/ o9 Q' G
( m9 V1 }3 w& |, U- P银行账户信息,定存投资,个人贷款,房屋贷款。如果你想得到更多的咨询或更快的回复,可以给我来电或email: 8 {! B7 m9 X$ J" |* P' N: ?
Lina Feng 冯莉娜. e% I) I; z! o9 s0 G8 t( r1 F; J/ T
Financial Services Manager8 s3 r" l! o) {6 U( ]8 j
Bank of Montreal. R4 a9 ^9 L; u3 P$ @) y8 v3 {
3481 Cook Street. \2 y) ?1 c  g5 y% r$ y
Tel:(250)405-2355    + r2 N& X& ?6 Q- P
; @/ I2 |7 B4 q
& ~- u% t: O# T$ R- t! y


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嗬嗬,没有,但是有hotdog,冷饮之类的。4 W" k& H: Q- W. o

7 L$ a1 d- D* K8 H0 l! ]5 S" t 3 \5 V' b/ ~5 y& j/ Q; a, \
: p# _9 q& x5 i5 Z( M% H银行账户信息,定存投资,个人贷款,房屋贷款。如果你想得到更多的咨询或更快的回复,可以给我来电或email: . \# c& ^8 D5 P, \; i
Lina Feng 冯莉娜
8 z# d1 J" |( d) Z$ @Financial Services Manager6 {, w1 _: ?9 d  K
Bank of Montreal
/ j  A( e1 m" h2 B, n' `3481 Cook Street
) q% z# @5 ~- JTel:(250)405-2355      N1 ~; T7 `8 b' }. t. y, b8 G) Y' t
7 Q' E) Z& R; D9 c: t 6 G# j4 [" \0 O1 r. h

